Технический директор Firesprite:«Мне не терпится показать миру, что мы можем сделать с PlayStation 5»

Ранее, он возглавлял разработку запатентованных им технологий движка и рендеринга для DriveClub.


Беру свои слова назад. Если переводите абы как цитаты - давайте их в оригинале тоже, чтоли. А то вот эти все поездки и собачьи компаньоны просто ужасны :)


Ок, я нашёл заметки и LinkedIn... и.... Господи, они переведины гугл.транслейтом. Так как автор статьи игнорирует просьбы выкладывать оригиналы, выложу я.

Can I just say...
The journey towards building a world-class AAA #gamedevelopment code/tech team is singularly one of the toughest yet most rewarding and fulfilling jobs I have ever done. 🤗The last 18 months has been an incredible ride so far meeting so many amazing people and facing so many new challenges, both professionally and personally. But I wouldn't change a thing! From a brilliant team of less than 10 to an amazing team of almost 40, with many more to go, on just my project! 🙏 I can't wait to show the world what we at Firesprite can do with the #playstation5! Ping us at [email protected] or visit firesprite.com/careers if you fancy some of this state-of-the-art action! 😊

I was reminded this evening, whilst out walking my canine companion, as to why I enjoy working in the Games Industry so much. Following in the footsteps of others, along a well trodden path, is relatively easy and doesn't require much thinking. But charting a new path, into uncharted territory, is where the real challenge and reward lies.

I want to inspire my team to be pathfinders and leaders in their field.

There will undoubtedly be bumps along the way, difficult obstacles to navigate and unknown timelines for some of the routes we choose. But, at the end of it all, there will be something incredible that will amaze and delight our game playing audience. And I can't wait to see what awaits us at the end of our journey!