Отчёт Media Create по японскому рынку за 2021 год
Топ-1000 видеоигр, показатели издателей и продажи игровых консолей
Общие продажи видеоигр и их распределение по чарту / платформам
Всего за год продано 27.665.656 копий
- 27.372.845 копий пришлось на видеоигры из топ-1000 (98,94%)
- 26.582.780 копий пришлось на видеоигры из топ-500 (96,09%)
- 22.205.481 копий пришлось на видеоигры из топ-100 (80,26%)
Распределение продаж по платформам
- Nintendo Switch: 23.070.515 копий (83,39%)
- Playstation 4: 3.695.693 копий (13,36%)
- Playstation 5: 831.915 копий (3,01%)
- Nintendo 3DS: 62.571 копий (0,23%)
- Xbox Series: 4.962 копий (0,02%)
Распределение игр из топ-1000 по платформам
- Nintendo Switch: 525 игр
- Playstation 4: 380 игр
- Playstation 5: 74 игры
- Nintendo 3DS: 18 игр
- Xbox Series: 3 игры
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Распределение продаж видеоигр по издателям
Суммарно на всех платформах
- Nintendo: 9.124.859 копий (32,98%)
- Capcom: 3.022.492 копий (10,93%)
- Pokemon Company: 2.987.717 копий (10,80%)
- Konami: 1.788.024 копий (6,46%)
- Bandai Namco Entertainment: 1.721.159 копий (6,22%)
- Square Enix: 1.072.822 копий (3,88%)
- Microsoft Game Studios: 829.982 копий (3%)
- Sega: 800.204 копий (2,89%)
- Koei Tecmo: 732.234 копий (2,65%)
- Marvelous: 564.112 копий (2,04%)
- Sony Interactive Entertainment: 553.344 копий (2%)
- Electronic Arts: 377.548 копий (1,36%)
- Aniplex: 365.487 копий (1,32%)
- Atlus: 251.597 копий (0,91%)
- Neos: 202.194 копий (0,73%)
- Imagineer: 183.833 копий (0,66%)
- Nippon Columbia: 183.589 копий (0,66%)
- Ubisoft: 172.260 копий (0,62%)
- Nippon Ichi Software: 165.829 копий (0,60%)
- Spike Chunsoft: 155.551 копий (0,56%)
- Другие: 2.410.819 копий (8,71%)
На Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo: 9.115.946 копий (39,51%)
- Pokemon Company: 2.983.362 копий (12,93%)
- Capcom: 2.628.951 копий (11,40%)
- Konami: 1.741.618 копий (7,55%)
- Bandai Namco Entertainment: 1.082.265 копий (4,69%)
- Microsoft Game Studios: 826.148 копий (3,58%)
- Square Enix: 608.819 копий (2,64%)
- Marvelous: 524.329 копий (2,27%)
- Koei Tecmo: 437.108 копий (1,89%)
- Sega: 302.121 копий (1,31%)
- Atlus: 207.072 копий (0,90%)
- Neos: 202.194 копий (0,88%)
- Nippon Columbia: 183.262 копий (0,79%)
- Imagineer: 183.135 копий (0,79%)
- Electronic Arts: 168.170 копий (0,73%)
- Nippon Ichi Software: 113.243 копий (0,49%)
- Spike Chunsoft: 97.802 копий (0,42%)
- Aniplex: 89.263 копий (0,39%)
- Ubisoft: 42.716 копий (0,19%)
- Другие: 1.532.991 (6,64%)
На Playstation 4
- Bandai Namco Entertainment: 527.171 копий (14,26%)
- Square Enix: 393.658 копий (10,65%)
- Sega: 371.602 копий (10,06%)
- Sony Interactive Entertainment: 342.647 копий (9,27%)
- Capcom: 307.028 копий (8,31%)
- Koei Tecmo: 270.767 копий (7,33%)
- Aniplex: 229.271 копий (6,20%)
- Electronic Arts: 162.038 копий копий (4,38%)
- Nihon Falcom: 101.764 копий копий (2,75%)
- Ubisoft: 91.064 копий (2,46%)
- Spike Chunsoft: 53.882 копий (1,46%)
- Nippon Ichi Software: 51.163 копий (1,38%)
- Konami: 46.061 копий (1,25%)
- Atlus: 40.720 копий (1,10%)
- Marvelous: 37.455 копий (1,01%)
- Другие: 669.403 копий (18,11%)
На Playstation 5
- Sony Interactive Entertainment: 210.697 копий (25,33%)
- Sega: 123.306 копий (14,82%)
- Bandai Namco Entertainment: 109.113 копий (13,12%)
- Capcom: 85.089 копий (10,23%)
- Square Enix: 47.728 копий (5,74%)
- Electronic Arts: 47.340 копий (5,69%)
- Aniplex: 46.953 копий (5,64%)
- Ubisoft: 38.463 копий (4,62%)
- Koei Tecmo: 23.324 копий (2,80%)
- Warner Entertainment Japan: 11.118 копий (1,34%)
- Spike Chunsoft: 3.565 копий (0,43%)
- Nippon Ichi Software: 1.409 копий (0,17%)
- Marvelous: 1.154 копий (0,14%)
- Другие: 82.655 копий (9,94%)
На Nintendo 3DS
- Square Enix: 22.618 копий (36,15%)
- Nintendo: 8.913 копий (14,24%)
- Level 5: 5.630 копий (9%)
- Pokemon Company: 4.355 копий (6,96%)
- Atlus: 3.805 копий (6,08%)
- Sega: 3.175 копий (5,07%)
- FuRyu: 1.882 копий (3,01%)
- Bandai Namco Entertainment: 1.722 копий (2,75%)
- Capcom: 1.425 копий (2,28%)
- Arc System Works: 1.264 копий (2,02%)
- Marvelous: 1.174 копий (1,88%)
- Koei Tecmo: 1.034 копий (1,65%)
- Imagineer: 698 копий (1,12%)
- Konami: 344 копий (0,55%)
- Nippon Columbia: 327 копий (0,52%)
- Spike Chunsoft: 302 копий (0,48%)
- Ubisoft: 18 копий (0,03%)
- Nippon Ichi Software: 13 копий (0,02%)
- Другие: 3.872 копий (6,19%)
На Xbox Series
- Microsoft Game Studios: 3.834 копий (77,27%)
- Bandai Namco Entertainment: 887 копий (17,88%)
- Deep Silver: 145 копий (2,92%)
- Koch Media: 96 копий (1,93%)
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Продажи игровых консолей
Nintendo Switch: 5.175.887 (81,6%) за 2021 год; 22.957.918 всего
- Базовая ревизия: 2.997.887 (58%) за 2021 год; 17.538.968 (76,3%) всего
- Lite ревизия: 1.289.932 (24,9%) за 2021 год; 4.530.882 (19,8%) всего
- OLED ревизия: 888.068 (17,1%) за 2021 год; 888.068 (3,9%) всего
Playstation 5: 1.026.456 (16,1%) за 2021 год; 1.317.692 всего
- С BD-приводом: 868.645 (84,6%) за 2021 год; 1.101.494 (83,6%) всего
- Без BD-привода: 157.811 (15,4%) за 2021 год; 216.198 (16,4%) всего
Playstation 4: 83.752 (1,3%) за 2021 год; 9.422.540 всего
- Данные об отдельных ревизиях отсутствуют
Xbox Series: 65.361 (1%) за 2021 год; 85.803 всего
- Series X: 36.149 (55,3%) за 2021 год; 52.377 (61%) всего
- Series S: 29.212 (44,7%) за 2021 год; 33.426 (39%) всего
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К оглавлению
43% японского рынка продаж видеоигр Nintendo занимает единолично
- Именно такая доля приходится на игры самой компании.
- При этом ещё примерно такую же долю занимают на рынке игры для Nintendo Switch от сторонних издателей. То есть фактически, вне пределов охвата консолями компании остаётся микроскопическая доля рынка.
81,6% японского рынка продаж игровых консолей занимает Nintendo Switch
- На пятом году жизненного цикла продажи Nintendo Switch настолько огромные, что все консоли конкурентов вместе взятые продались хуже, чем Nintendo Switch Lite — отдельно взятая ревизия, причём ещё и не самая популярная.
- Старт нового поколения не помогает Sony. В 2021 году Playstation 5 не была в состоянии дойти до уровня годовых продаж хотя бы Nintendo Switch Lite. А уже в 2022 году общие продажи Nintendo Switch OLED превысили общие продажи Playstation 5, несмотря на то, что консоль Sony вышла почти на год раньше и у неё была гигантская фора.
Microsoft Game Studios (3%) занимает бОльшую долю японского рынка, чем Sony Interactive Entertainment (2%)
- Дела с продажами собственных игр у Sony на домашнем рынке безнадёжно плохи до такой степени, что она проигрывает даже Microsoft.
- Sony продаёт в Японии игр на 34% меньше, чем Microsoft.
- Microsoft занимает 7-ю позицию в топ-10 издателей японского рынка, Sony же в топ-10 попасть всё ещё не способна.
В топ-20 годовых продаж видеоигр все 20 позиций заняты играми для Nintendo Switch
- 16 из них при этом являются играми самой Nintendo.
- Самая высокая позиция чарта, которую удалось занять игре Sony, 86-я (Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales).
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Позиция в чарте. [ПЛАТФОРМА] Название # (Издатель) {Дата выхода} (Цена в йенах) - Продажи за 2021 год / Продажи за 2020 год
У игр, вышедших в 2021 году, вместо продаж за 2020 год стоит метка NEW
Разбивка на блоки, а также её шаг, продиктованы лимитами количества символов в одном блоке текста и количества блоков текста в посте, установленными на DTF.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К оглавлению
- 1. [NSW] Monster Hunter Rise # (Capcom) {2021.03.26} (¥7.990) - 2.201.544 / NEW
- 2. [NSW] Pokemon Brilliant Diamond # (Pokemon Co.) {2021.11.19} (¥5.980) - 1.118.240 / NEW
- 3. [NSW] Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury # (Nintendo) {2021.02.12} (¥5.980) - 1.064.417 / NEW
- 4. [NSW] Momotaro Dentetsu: Showa, Heisei, Reiwa mo Teiban! # (Konami) {2020.11.19} (¥6.300) - 1.053.174 / 2.650.704
- 5. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure # (Nintendo) {2019.10.18} (¥7.980) - 1.042.308 / 3.255.746
- 6. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe # (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 794.862 / 4.471.328
- 7. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars # (Nintendo) {2021.10.29} (¥5.980) - 776.133 / NEW
- 8. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons # (Nintendo) {2020.03.20} (¥5.980) - 740.706 / 7.172.470
- 9. [NSW] Pokemon Shining Pearl # (Pokemon Co.) {2021.11.19} (¥5.980) - 731.667 / NEW
- 10. [NSW] Minecraft # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) - 709.110 / 2.281.023
- 11. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate # (Nintendo) {2018.12.07} (¥7.200) - 685.025 / 4.909.868
- 12. [NSW] Pokemon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl Double Pack {Pokemon Brilliant Diamond \ Pokemon Shining Pearl} # (Pokemon Co.) {2021.11.19} (¥11.960) - 387.409 / NEW
- 13. [NSW] Splatoon 2 # (Nintendo) {2017.07.21} (¥5.980) - 342.442 / 4.061.909
- 14. [NSW] Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics # (Nintendo) {2020.06.05} (¥3.980) - 323.931 / 876.249
- 15. [NSW] New Pokemon Snap # (Pokemon Co.) {2021.04.30} (¥5.980) - 316.182 / NEW
- 16. [NSW] Super Mario Party # (Nintendo) {2018.10.05} (¥5.980) - 293.048 / 2.321.714
- 17. [NSW] Game Builder Garage # (Nintendo) {2021.06.11} (¥3.164) - 289.214 / NEW
- 18. [NSW] eBaseball Professional Baseball Spirits 2021: Grand Slam # (Konami) {2021.07.08} (¥6.980) - 273.619 / NEW
- 19. [NSW] Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town # (Marvelous) {2021.02.25} (¥5.980) - 270.501 / NEW
- 20. [NSW] Miitopia # (Nintendo) {2021.05.21} (¥4.980) - 268.326 / NEW
- 21. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD # (Nintendo) {2021.07.16} (¥5.980) - 265.512 / NEW
- 22. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild # (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) - 251.490 / 2.124.076
- 23. [NSW] Pokemon Sword # (Pokemon Co.) {2019.11.15} (¥5.980) - 250.551 / 2.101.870
- 24. [PS4] Tales of Arise # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.09.09} (¥7.980) - 246.721 / NEW
- 25. [NSW] Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain # (Nintendo) {2021.12.03} (¥2.980) - 223.318 / NEW
- 26. [NSW] Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin # (Capcom) {2021.07.09} (¥6.990) - 219.303 / NEW
- 27. [NSW] Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi - Owaranai Nanokakan no Tabi # (Neos) {2021.07.15} (¥5.982) - 198.366 / NEW
- 28. [PS4] NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… # (Square Enix) {2021.04.22} (¥7.800) - 196.892 / NEW
- 29. [NSW] Mario Golf: Super Rush # (Nintendo) {2021.06.25} (¥5.980) - 196.076 / NEW
- 30. [NSW] Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition [New Price Edition] # (Square Enix) {2020.12.04} (¥4.980) - 195.729 / 240.303
- 31. [NSW] WarioWare: Get It Together! # (Nintendo) {2021.09.10} (¥4.980) - 195.448 / NEW
- 32. [NSW] Shin Megami Tensei V # (Atlus) {2021.11.11} (¥8.980) - 186.913 / NEW
- 33. [PS4] Lost Judgment # (Sega) {2021.09.24} (¥8.290) - 176.223 / NEW
- 34. [NSW] Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise # (Imagineer) {2020.12.03} (¥5.800) - 175.994 / 221.689
- 35. [PS4] Resident Evil Village # (Capcom) {2021.05.08} (¥7.990) - 174.784 / NEW
- 36. [NSW] Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.07.19} (¥6.100) - 174.049 / 783.811
- 37. [NSW] Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel: Dawn of the Battle Royale!! # (Konami) {2021.08.12} (¥6.000) - 168.746 / NEW
- 38. [NSW] Super Mario Maker 2 # (Nintendo) {2019.06.28} (¥5.980) - 154.713 / 1.279.628
- 39. [PS4] Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Hinokami Chronicles # (Aniplex) {2021.10.14} (¥7.600) - 152.744 / NEW
- 40. [NSW] Bravely Default II # (Square Enix) {2021.02.26} (¥6.800) - 150.875 / NEW
- 41. [NSW] Rune Factory 5 # (Marvelous) {2021.05.20} (¥6.980) - 149.997 / NEW
- 42. [NSW] Pokemon Shield # (Pokemon Co.) {2019.11.15} (¥5.980) - 148.019 / 1.390.775
- 43. [NSW] New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe <New Super Mario Bros. U \ New Super Luigi U> # (Nintendo) {2019.01.11} (¥5.980) - 143.784 / 1.196.282
- 44. [NSW] Fishing Spirits: Nintendo Switch Version # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.07.25} (¥5.700) - 142.927 / 686.500
- 45. [NSW] Super Mario Odyssey # (Nintendo) {2017.10.27} (¥5.980) - 136.201 / 2.419.912
- 46. [NSW] The Battle Cats Unite! # (Ponos) {2020.07.16} (¥3.500) - 130.989 / 176.617
- 47. [NSW] Human: Fall Flat # (Teyon Japan) {2020.06.25} (¥3.500) - 130.012 / 233.436
- 48. [NSW] Metroid Dread # (Nintendo) {2021.10.08} (¥6.980) - 129.349 / NEW
- 49. [NSW] Super Mario 3D All-Stars <Super Mario 64 \ Super Mario Sunshine \ Super Mario Galaxy> # (Nintendo) {2020.09.18} (¥6.480) - 114.190 / 688.300
- 50. [NSW] Super Robot Wars 30 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.10.28} (¥8.600) - 110.652 / NEW
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[51 - 96]
- 51. [NSW] Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.09.22} (¥6.680) - 104.729 / NEW
- 52. [NSW] Little Nightmares II # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.02.10} (¥3.600) - 104.310 / NEW
- 53. [NSW] Pikmin 3 Deluxe # (Nintendo) {2020.10.30} (¥5.980) - 102.785 / 634.974
- 54. [PS4] Super Robot Wars 30 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.10.28} (¥8.600) - 97.264 / NEW
- 55. [NSW] Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020 # (Sega) {2019.11.01} (¥5.990) - 96.633 / 460.214
- 56. [NSW] Kirby Star Allies # (Nintendo) {2018.03.16} (¥5.980) - 96.259 / 1.034.871
- 57. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 3 # (Nintendo) {2019.10.31} (¥5.980) - 96.240 / 864.471
- 58. [NSW] Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon # (Aniplex) {2021.08.26} (¥7.000) - 89.263 / NEW
- 59. [NSW] Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 # (Sega) {2020.12.10} (¥4.990) - 88.954 / 157.670
- 60. [PS4] Judgment [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2021.04.23} (¥1.800) - 88.439 / NEW
- 61. [PS4] Samurai Warriors 5 # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.06.24} (¥7.800) - 86.444 / NEW
- 62. [NSW] eBaseball Powerful Pro Baseball 2020 # (Konami) {2020.07.09} (¥6.980) - 85.589 / 398.467
- 63. [PS5] Tales of Arise # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.09.09} (¥7.980) - 84.146 / NEW
- 64. [NSW] Samurai Warriors 5 # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.06.24} (¥7.800) - 84.044 / NEW
- 65. [NSW] Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.11.20} (¥7.200) - 78.417 / 412.595
- 66. [PS5] Resident Evil Village # (Capcom) {2021.05.08} (¥7.990) - 76.916 / NEW
- 67. [PS4] Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon # (Aniplex) {2021.08.26} (¥7.000) - 76.527 / NEW
- 68. [NSW] Minecraft Dungeons: Hero Edition # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2020.09.08} (¥3.600) - 75.637 / 144.575
- 69. [NSW] Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin # (Marvelous) {2020.11.12} (¥4.980) - 72.225 / 203.347
- 70. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Dark # (Nihon Falcom) {2021.09.30} (¥7.800) - 68.574 / NEW
- 71. [NSW] Apex Legends: Champion Edition # (Electronic Arts) {2021.03.18} (¥3.909) - 65.836 / NEW
- 72. [NSW] Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side 4th Heart # (Konami) {2021.10.28} (¥7.800) - 65.781 / NEW
- 73. [NSW] Densha de Go!! Hashirou Yamanotesen # (Square Enix) {2021.03.18} (¥5.800) - 62.512 / NEW
- 74. [NSW] FIFA 22: Legacy Edition # (Electronic Arts) {2021.10.01} (¥3.909) - 60.615 / NEW
- 75. [NSW] Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training for Nintendo Switch # (Nintendo) {2019.12.27} (¥3.480) - 58.641 / 410.055
- 76. [NSW] Little Nightmares: Complete Edition <Little Nightmares \ Little Nightmares: The Depths \ Little Nightmares: The Hideaway \ Little Nightmares: The Residence> # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.06.07} (¥3.200) - 56.210 / 83.274
- 77. [PS5] Lost Judgment # (Sega) {2021.09.24} (¥8.290) - 56.148 / NEW
- 78. [PS4] FIFA 22 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.10.01} (¥7.909) - 54.592 / NEW
- 79. [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition <Grand Theft Auto V \ Grand Theft Auto Online> [Reprint] # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2019.11.07} (¥3.500) - 53.144 / 142.911
- 80. [PS4] Call of Duty: Vanguard # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.11.05} (¥7.900) - 52.589 / NEW
- 81. [PS4] Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition # (Square Enix) {2020.12.04} (¥4.980) - 51.595 / 103.038
- 82. [NSW] Power Pro Kun Pocket R # (Konami) {2021.11.25} (¥5.450) - 50.229 / NEW
- 83. [PS4] Far Cry 6 # (Ubisoft) {2021.10.07} (¥8.400) - 49.531 / NEW
- 84. [PS5] Judgment # (Sega) {2021.04.23} (¥1.800) - 49.317 / NEW
- 85. [NSW] Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2018.11.15} (¥3.990) - 49.230 / 216.538
- 86. [PS5] Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.12} (¥5.900) - 47.422 / 80.147
- 87. [PS5] Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Hinokami Chronicles # (Aniplex) {2021.10.14} (¥7.600) - 46.953 / NEW
- 88. [NSW] Fortnite: Minty Legends Pack # (Epic Games) {2021.11.02} (¥3.000) - 46.948 / NEW
- 89. [NSW] Disney Magical World 2: Enchanted Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.12.02} (¥4.980) - 45.110 / NEW
- 90. [NSW] Family Trainer # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.12.17} (¥4.980) - 44.834 / 75.503
- 91. [NSW] Super Bomberman R [Smile Price Collection] # (Konami) {2018.11.29} (¥2.760) - 43.292 / 167.590
- 92. [PS4] Little Nightmares II # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.02.10} (¥3.600) - 43.206 / NEW
- 93. [NSW] Monster Hunter Rise Hunting Friend Double Pack {Monster Hunter Rise x 2} # (Capcom) {2021.03.26} (¥15.255) - 42.553 / NEW
- 94. [PS4] Scarlet Nexus # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.06.24} (¥8.200) - 42.392 / NEW
- 95. [NSW] Minecraft Dungeons: Ultimate Edition # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2021.10.26} (¥4.800) - 41.102 / NEW
- 96. [NSW] A-Train: All Aboard! Tourism # (Artdink) {2021.03.12} (¥6.980) - 40.666 / NEW
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[97 - 134]
- 97. [NSW] Danganronpa Decadence + Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp <Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - Anniversary Edition \ Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair - Anniversary Edition \ Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony - Anniversary Edition \ Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp> # (Spike Chunsoft) {2021.11.04} (¥4.980) - 40.292 / NEW
- 98. [PS4] Battlefield 2042 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.11.19} (¥7.909) - 40.219 / NEW
- 99. [NSW] Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.07.04} (¥7.800) - 39.780 / 109.969
- 100. [PS5] Demon's Souls # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.12} (¥7.900) - 38.922 / 66.900
- 101. [PS5] Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.06.11} (¥7.900) - 38.784 / NEW
- 102. [NSW] Eiga Sumikko Gurashi: Aoi Tsukiyo no Mahou no Ko - Game de Asobou! Eiga no Sekai # (Nippon Columbia) {2021.12.02} (¥4.800) - 37.937 / NEW
- 103. [NSW] Fire Emblem: Three Houses # (Nintendo) {2019.07.26} (¥6.980) - 37.884 / 418.349
- 104. [PS5] Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade # (Square Enix) {2021.06.10} (¥8.980) - 37.494 / NEW
- 105. [NSW] The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles <The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures \ The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve> # (Capcom) {2021.07.29} (¥4.990) - 37.436 / NEW
- 106. [NSW] Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack <Taiko no Tatsujin: Don and Katsu's Great Time Adventure \ Taiko no Tatsujin: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure> # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.11.26} (¥6.100) - 36.139 / 89.252
- 107. [PS4] Biomutant # (THQ Nordic Japan) {2021.05.25} (¥6.900) - 35.746 / NEW
- 108. [NSW] FIFA 21: Legacy Edition # (Electronic Arts) {2020.10.09} (¥5.091) - 34.775 / 76.637
- 109. [NSW] Moshikashite? Obake no Shatekiya for Nintendo Switch # (Nippon Columbia) {2021.07.01} (¥4.800) - 34.593 / NEW
- 110. [NSW] Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.01.28} (¥7.200) - 34.270 / NEW
- 111. [NSW] Yoshi's Crafted World # (Nintendo) {2019.03.29} (¥5.980) - 33.786 / 286.303
- 112. [NSW] Dragon Quest Builders 2 [New Price Edition] # (Square Enix) {2020.12.04} (¥4.980) - 32.725 / 40.079
- 113. [NSW] Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir & The Girl Who Stands Behind Collector's Edition <Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir \ Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind> # (Nintendo) {2021.05.14} (¥9.980) - 32.287 / NEW
- 114. [PS4] Minecraft: Starter Collection # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.01.16} (¥3.600) - 31.855 / 70.650
- 115. [NSW] Mario Tennis Aces # (Nintendo) {2018.06.22} (¥5.980) - 31.781 / 531.087
- 116. [PS4] Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.10.28} (¥4.800) - 31.634 / NEW
- 117. [NSW] Paper Mario: The Origami King # (Nintendo) {2020.07.17} (¥5.980) - 31.342 / 345.471
- 118. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 # (Nintendo) {2017.12.01} (¥7.980) - 30.444 / 296.164
- 119. [PS4] NieR: Automata - Game of the YoRHa Edition <NieR: Automata \ NieR: Automata - 3C3C1D119440927> # (Square Enix) {2019.02.21} (¥4.800) - 29.992 / 148.435
- 120. [PS4] Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut <Ghost of Tsushima \ Ghost of Tsushima: Legends \ Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island> # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.08.20} (¥6.900) - 29.872 / NEW
- 121. [NSW] Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.10.28} (¥4.800) - 29.740 / NEW
- 122. [NSW] Neo: The World Ends with You # (Square Enix) {2021.07.27} (¥6.800) - 29.619 / NEW
- 123. [NSW] Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker # (Nintendo) {2018.07.13} (¥3.980) - 29.202 / 282.113
- 124. [PS4] Back 4 Blood # (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2021.10.12} (¥7.800) - 28.697 / NEW
- 125. [NSW] Winning Post 9 2021 # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.15} (¥7.800) - 28.577 / NEW
- 126. [PS5] Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut <Ghost of Tsushima \ Ghost of Tsushima: Legends \ Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island> # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.08.20} (¥7.900) - 27.491 / NEW
- 127. [PS4] Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.13} (¥7.900) - 27.308 / 168.768
- 128. [NSW] Dragon Quest X: Heavenly Heroes Online # (Square Enix) {2021.11.11} (¥3.980) - 27.261 / NEW
- 129. [NSW] Derby Stallion # (Game Addict) {2020.12.03} (¥7.800) - 27.020 / 140.850
- 130. [NSW] Yo-kai Watch Jam: Y School Heroes - Bustlin' School Life # (Level 5) {2020.12.17} (¥4.364) - 27.015 / 70.237
- 131. [NSW] Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: The Official Video Game # (Sega) {2019.07.24} (¥4.990) - 26.621 / 145.770
- 132. [NSW] The Quintessential Quintuplets Double Integral: Natsu no Omoide mo Gotoubun # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥7.800) - 26.614 / NEW
- 133. [NSW] Undertale # (8-4) {2018.09.15} (¥4.000) - 26.061 / 85.082
- 134. [NSW] Super Run For Money Tousouchuu & Super Battle For Money Sentouchuu Double Pack <Super Run For Money Tousouchuu Atsumare! Saikyou no Tousou Monotachi \ Super Battle For Money Sentouchuu: Kyuukyoku no Shinobu to Battle Player Choujou Kessen!> # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.11.29} (¥5.300) - 26.032 / 114.248
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[135 - 173]
- 135. [NSW] Resident Evil Triple Pack <Resident Evil 4 \ Resident Evil 5 \ Resident Evil 6> # (Capcom) {2019.10.31} (¥6.990) - 25.499 / 73.902
- 136. [PS4] Gran Turismo Sport [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.10.04} (¥1.990) - 25.495 / 112.426
- 137. [NSW] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.03.26} (¥7.800) - 25.195 / 179.565
- 138. [NSW] Dragon Quest X: All in One Package Ver.1-5 {Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online \ Dragon Quest X: The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Sworn Friend Online \ Dragon Quest X: Legend of the Ancient Dragon Online \ Dragon Quest X: 5000 Year Journey to a Faraway Hometown Online \ Dragon Quest X: The Maiden of Thorns and the God of Destruction Online} # (Square Enix) {2020.05.14} (¥4.800) - 24.961 / 58.885
- 139. [NSW] Just Dance 2021 # (Ubisoft) {2020.11.12} (¥5.800) - 24.844 / 40.154
- 140. [PS4] eFootball Winning Eleven 2021 Season Update # (Konami) {2020.09.17} (¥3.980) - 24.841 / 80.920
- 141. [PS4] The Idolm@ster: Starlit Season # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.10.14} (¥8.200) - 24.694 / NEW
- 142. [PS5] Battlefield 2042 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.11.19} (¥8.818) - 24.346 / NEW
- 143. [PS4] Ghost of Tsushima # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.07.17} (¥6.900) - 24.028 / 497.640
- 144. [PS4] Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin # (Marvelous) {2020.11.12} (¥4.980) - 23.706 / 103.718
- 145. [NSW] Jump Force: Deluxe Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.08.27} (¥6.680) - 23.701 / 71.391
- 146. [NSW] Buddy Mission Bond # (Nintendo) {2021.01.29} (¥6.480) - 23.547 / NEW
- 147. [NSW] Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit - Mario Set # (Nintendo) {2020.10.16} (¥9.980) - 23.267 / 148.227
- 148. [PS5] Far Cry 6 # (Ubisoft) {2021.10.07} (¥8.400) - 23.040 / NEW
- 149. [PS4] Winning Post 9 2021 # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.15} (¥7.800) - 22.985 / NEW
- 150. [NSW] Puyo Puyo Tetris [Special Price] # (Sega) {2019.08.08} (¥3.490) - 22.853 / 121.661
- 151. [PS4] Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition <Monster Hunter World \ Monster Hunter World: Iceborne> [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2020.09.03} (¥3.990) - 22.811 / 38.653
- 152. [NSW] BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! for Nintendo Switch # (Bushiroad) {2021.09.16} (¥6.980) - 22.775 / NEW
- 153. [PS4] Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.01.28} (¥7.200) - 22.522 / NEW
- 154. [NSW] Ninjala # (GungHo Online Entertainment) {2020.07.22} (¥3.618) - 22.387 / 64.493
- 155. [PS5] Scarlet Nexus # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.06.24} (¥8.200) - 21.948 / NEW
- 156. [NSW] Model Debut 2 Nicola # (FuRyu) {2021.11.04} (¥6.280) - 21.774 / NEW
- 157. [PS4] Ark: Ultimate Survivor Edition <Ark: Survival Evolved \ Ark: Survival Evolved - Scorched Earth \ Ark: Survival Evolved - Aberration \ Ark: Survival Evolved - Extinction \ Ark: Survival Evolved - Genesis> # (Spike Chunsoft) {2021.07.29} (¥6.800) - 21.292 / NEW
- 158. [PS4] Melty Blood: Type Lumina # (Delight Works) {2021.09.30} (¥6.800) - 21.151 / NEW
- 159. [NSW] Pui Pui Molcar Let's! Molcar Party! # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.12.16} (¥5.164) - 21.147 / NEW
- 160. [NSW] Jack Jeanne # (Broccoli) {2021.03.18} (¥7.800) - 21.108 / NEW
- 161. [NSW] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition <The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt \ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone \ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine> # (Spike Chunsoft) {2019.10.17} (¥6.480) - 21.040 / 78.767
- 162. [PS4] Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition <Horizon Zero Dawn \ Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds> [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.06.27} (¥1.990) - 20.798 / 116.357
- 163. [PS4] The Last of Us Remastered <The Last of Us \ The Last of Us: Left Behind> [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 20.058 / 169.352
- 164. [NSW] Oshiri Tantei: Pupu Mirai no Meitantei Toujou! # (Nippon Columbia) {2021.11.04} (¥5.800) - 20.002 / NEW
- 165. [PS5] Call of Duty: Vanguard # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.11.05} (¥8.800) - 19.740 / NEW
- 166. [PS4] Nioh 2: The Complete Edition <Nioh 2 \ Nioh 2: The Tengu's Disciple \ Nioh 2: Darkness in the Capital \ Nioh 2: The First Samurai> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.02.04} (¥5.800) - 19.374 / NEW
- 167. [NSW] Megaton Musashi # (Level 5) {2021.11.11} (¥6.340) - 19.010 / NEW
- 168. [NSW] Obakeidoro! # (Freestyle) {2019.12.19} (¥2.980) - 18.965 / 58.105
- 169. [PS4] Guilty Gear: Strive # (Arc System Works) {2021.06.11} (¥7.800) - 18.909 / NEW
- 170. [NSW] Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate # (Spike Chunsoft) {2020.12.03} (¥3.980) - 18.902 / 49.417
- 171. [PS4] The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails # (Nihon Falcom) {2021.06.24} (¥3.980) - 18.874 / NEW
- 172. [NSW] Earth Defense Force 2 for Nintendo Switch # (D3Publisher) {2021.07.15} (¥3.618) - 18.347 / NEW
- 173. [PS4] Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection <Ninja Gaiden Σ \ Ninja Gaiden Σ 2 \ Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.06.10} (¥4.500) - 18.335 / NEW
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[174 - 219]
- 174. [NSW] Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.12.23} (¥6.800) - 18.171 / NEW
- 175. [NSW] Doraemon Learning Collection <DoraKazu: Nobita no Suuji Daibouken \ DoraChie: Mini Dora Ongakutai to 7-tsu no Chie \ DoraEigo: Nobita to Yousei no Fushigi Collection \ DoraMoji: Nobita no Kanji Daisakusen> # (Shogakukan) {2021.02.04} (¥4.091) - 18.117 / NEW
- 176. [PS4] Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars # (Compile Heart) {2021.09.16} (¥7.600) - 18.110 / NEW
- 177. [NSW] Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster <Final Fantasy X \ Final Fantasy X-2> # (Square Enix) {2019.04.11} (¥6.800) - 17.640 / 99.354
- 178. [NSW] SD Gundam G Generation: Cross Rays - Platinum Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.03.25} (¥5.980) - 17.623 / NEW
- 179. [NSW] QuickSpot: Master of the Right Brain # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.04.22} (¥3.200) - 17.422 / NEW
- 180. [NSW] Dead by Daylight: Definitive Edition # (3goo) {2019.09.26} (¥4.600) - 17.204 / 86.775
- 181. [PS4] Neo: The World Ends with You # (Square Enix) {2021.07.27} (¥6.800) - 17.147 / NEW
- 182. [NSW] Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory # (Square Enix) {2020.11.11} (¥6.800) - 17.136 / 49.215
- 183. [PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.12.23} (¥6.800) - 16.347 / NEW
- 184. [NSW] Angelique Luminarise # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.05.20} (¥7.800) - 16.320 / NEW
- 185. [NSW] Puyo Puyo Champions # (Sega) {2019.06.27} (¥1.990) - 16.313 / 72.780
- 186. [NSW] Pro Baseball Famista 2020 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.09.17} (¥6.680) - 16.108 / 62.350
- 187. [NSW] Disney Tsum Tsum Festival # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.10.10} (¥6.100) - 16.059 / 208.302
- 188. [PS4] Blue Reflection: Second Light # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.10.21} (¥7.800) - 16.019 / NEW
- 189. [NSW] The Caligula Effect 2 # (FuRyu) {2021.06.24} (¥7.980) - 16.011 / NEW
- 190. [PS5] Returnal # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.04.30} (¥7.900) - 15.559 / NEW
- 191. [NSW] Uncharted Waters IV with Power-Up Kit HD Version <Uncharted Waters IV: Porto Estado with Power-Up Kit \ Uncharted Waters IV: Rota Nova> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.05.20} (¥3.800) - 15.442 / NEW
- 192. [PS4] Resident Evil 6 # (Capcom) {2016.12.01} (¥2.800) - 15.044 / 149.182
- 193. [NSW] Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - Prince's Edition # (Level 5) {2021.09.16} (¥5.800) - 14.766 / NEW
- 194. [PS5] FIFA 22 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.10.01} (¥8.818) - 14.699 / NEW
- 195. [NSW] Cats Together: Smile # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.11.19} (¥4.800) - 14.682 / 25.409
- 196. [PS4] Persona 5 Royal # (Atlus) {2019.10.31} (¥8.800) - 14.646 / 301.930
- 197. [NSW] NBA 2K22 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2021.09.10} (¥6.000) - 14.628 / NEW
- 198. [NSW] Akogare Girls Collection: Wan Nyan Pet Shop - Kawaii Pet to Fureau Mainichi # (Nippon Columbia) {2021.07.15} (¥4.800) - 14.455 / NEW
- 199. [PS4] eBaseball Powerful Pro Baseball 2020 # (Konami) {2020.07.09} (¥7.980) - 14.258 / 188.401
- 200. [NSW] Sumikko Gurashi: Oheya no Sumi de Tabikibun Sugoroku # (Nippon Columbia) {2020.12.03} (¥5.800) - 14.206 / 42.738
- 201. [NSW] Samurai Warriors 4 DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.03.14} (¥5.800) - 14.025 / 41.356
- 202. [NSW] Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Encore # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.04.02} (¥3.200) - 13.961 / 66.451
- 203. [PS4] The Quintessential Quintuplets Double Integral: Natsu no Omoide mo Gotoubun # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥7.800) - 13.869 / NEW
- 204. [NSW] Dragon Quest Heroes I & II for Nintendo Switch <Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below \ Dragon Quest Heroes II> # (Square Enix) {2017.03.03} (¥8.800) - 13.850 / 101.984
- 205. [PS5] Yakuza: Like a Dragon # (Sega) {2021.03.02} (¥5.990) - 13.739 / NEW
- 206. [NSW] Earth Defense Force 2017 for Nintendo Switch # (D3Publisher) {2021.10.14} (¥4.527) - 13.712 / NEW
- 207. [PS4] NBA 2K22 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2021.09.10} (¥7.000) - 13.654 / NEW
- 208. [NSW] Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster # (Atlus) {2020.10.29} (¥5.980) - 13.618 / 91.882
- 209. [PS4] Utawarerumono: Zan 2 # (Aqua Plus) {2021.07.22} (¥7.800) - 13.495 / NEW
- 210. [NSW] Monark # (FuRyu) {2021.10.14} (¥7.700) - 13.430 / NEW
- 211. [NSW] Okami HD # (Capcom) {2018.08.09} (¥2.990) - 13.124 / 85.528
- 212. [PS4] Resident Evil 4 # (Capcom) {2016.12.01} (¥2.800) - 12.894 / 84.608
- 213. [NSW] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.03.18} (¥6.980) - 12.831 / NEW
- 214. [NSW] Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV with Power-Up Kit # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.12.10} (¥9.800) - 12.787 / 25.089
- 215. [NSW] Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! # (Playism) {2021.10.07} (¥3.818) - 12.757 / NEW
- 216. [Level 5 the Best] # (Level 5) {2021.04.22} (¥3.200) - 12.748 / NEW
- 217. [NSW] Octopath Traveler # (Square Enix) {2018.07.13} (¥6.800) - 12.668 / 261.115
- 218. [NSW] Pokken Tournament DX # (Pokemon Co.) {2017.09.22} (¥5.980) - 12.641 / 379.418
- 219. [NSW] Gnosia # (Happinet) {2020.12.17} (¥4.800) - 12.558 / 18.366
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[220 - 264]
- 220. [PS4] Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.12} (¥5.900) - 12.494 / 56.398
- 221. [NSW] Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection <Ninja Gaiden Σ \ Ninja Gaiden Σ 2 \ Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.06.10} (¥4.500) - 12.486 / NEW
- 222. [PS4] Marvel's Avengers # (Square Enix) {2020.09.04} (¥7.980) - 12.350 / 95.816
- 223. [NSW] Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.12.03} (¥7.800) - 12.259 / 47.957
- 224. [PS4] FIFA 21 # (Electronic Arts) {2020.10.09} (¥7.909) - 12.031 / 69.577
- 225. [NSW] Ys IX: Monstrum Nox # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.09.09} (¥6.980) - 11.925 / NEW
- 226. [PS4] Earth Defense Force 5 [Dream Value Set] # (D3Publisher) {2019.12.19} (¥2.800) - 11.823 / 44.206
- 227. [PS4] Resident Evil 5 # (Capcom) {2016.12.01} (¥2.800) - 11.816 / 98.720
- 228. [PS4] Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 # (H2 Interactive) {2021.07.29} (¥5.800) - 11.769 / NEW
- 229. [PS4] The Last of Us Part II # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.06.19} (¥6.900) - 11.503 / 251.101
- 230. [PS4] The Caligula Effect 2 # (FuRyu) {2021.06.24} (¥7.980) - 11.494 / NEW
- 231. [NSW] Police x Heroine Lovepatrina! Love na Rhythm de Taiho Shimasu! # (Nippon Columbia) {2020.11.26} (¥5.800) - 11.412 / 19.292
- 232. [NSW] Mon-Yu # (Experience) {2021.07.15} (¥5.436) - 11.382 / NEW
- 233. [NSW] The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.08.26} (¥6.980) - 11.379 / NEW
- 234. [PS4] Yakuza 0 [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2016.03.17} (¥3.800) - 11.278 / 112.462
- 235. [NSW] Melty Blood: Type Lumina # (Delight Works) {2021.09.30} (¥6.800) - 11.253 / NEW
- 236. [NSW] Umineko no Naku Koro ni Saku: Nekobako to Musou no Koukyoukyoku # (Entergram) {2021.01.28} (¥8.000) - 11.227 / NEW
- 237. [PS5] Back 4 Blood # (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2021.10.12} (¥7.800) - 11.118 / NEW
- 238. [NSW] Blue Reflection: Second Light # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.10.21} (¥7.800) - 11.108 / NEW
- 239. [PS4] Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Game of the Year Edition <Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice \ Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice DLC> # (From Software) {2020.10.29} (¥4.800) - 11.069 / 27.102
- 240. [PS4] Dragon Quest X: Heavenly Heroes Online # (Square Enix) {2021.11.11} (¥3.980) - 10.912 / NEW
- 241. [PS4] 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim # (Atlus) {2019.11.28} (¥8.980) - 10.773 / 140.586
- 242. [PS4] R-Type Final 2 # (Granzella) {2021.04.29} (¥5.800) - 10.769 / NEW
- 243. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2017.09.21} (¥1.990) - 10.707 / 111.773
- 244. [NSW] Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill Edition <Dead by Daylight \ Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill> # (3goo) {2020.11.19} (¥4.900) - 10.629 / 14.855
- 245. [NSW] Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin [Best Price] # (Marvelous) {2021.12.09} (¥2.980) - 10.436 / NEW
- 246. [NSW] No More Heroes III # (Marvelous) {2021.08.27} (¥6.800) - 10.435 / NEW
- 247. [NSW] Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin [Level 5 the Best] # (Level 5) {2021.04.22} (¥3.200) - 10.381 / NEW
- 248. [NSW] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.01.11} (¥5.700) - 10.329 / 65.522
- 249. [NSW] Resident Evil: Revelations Collection <Resident Evil: Revelations \ Resident Evil: Revelations 2> [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2019.12.13} (¥3.990) - 10.293 / 25.855
- 250. [NSW] Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time # (Activision) {2021.03.12} (¥4.900) - 10.241 / NEW
- 251. [PS4] Outriders # (Square Enix) {2021.04.01} (¥7.980) - 10.224 / NEW
- 252. [PS4] Hitman 3 # (H2 Interactive) {2021.08.26} (¥6.800) - 10.222 / NEW
- 253. [NSW] Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth # (Playism) {2021.12.16} (¥3.618) - 10.016 / NEW
- 254. [NSW] Sumikko Gurashi: Gakkou Seikatsu Hajimerun Desu # (Nippon Columbia) {2019.07.18} (¥5.800) - 10.010 / 95.316
- 255. [NSW] Namcot Collection <Pac-Man \ Galaga \ The Tower of Druaga \ Battle City \ Star Luster \ Family Jockey \ Youkai Douchuki \ Dragon Spirit \ Mendel Palace \ Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti \ Wagyan Land> # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.06.18} (¥2.400) - 9.938 / 37.281
- 256. [PS5] Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.13} (¥8.800) - 9.826 / 20.796
- 257. [PS4] Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster # (Atlus) {2020.10.29} (¥5.980) - 9.717 / 73.890
- 258. [NSW] Akogare Girls Collection: Wan Nyan Dobutsu Byouin - Pups & Purrs Animal Hospital # (Nippon Columbia) {2020.07.02} (¥4.800) - 9.715 / 26.148
- 259. [PS4] Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster <Final Fantasy X \ Final Fantasy X-2> # (Square Enix) {2015.05.14} (¥6.800) - 9.649 / 113.830
- 260. [NSW] World's End Club # (Izanagi Games) {2021.05.27} (¥4.980) - 9.587 / NEW
- 261. [NSW] Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed # (Acquire) {2021.05.20} (¥4.800) - 9.349 / NEW
- 262. [NSW] Laid-Back Camp: Have a Nice Day! # (Mages.) {2021.11.11} (¥7.800) - 9.338 / NEW
- 263. [PS4] Red Dead Redemption II [New Price Edition] # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.10.08} (¥3.000) - 9.321 / 14.229
- 264. [NSW] R-Type Final 2 # (Granzella) {2021.04.29} (¥5.800) - 9.239 / NEW
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[265 - 307]
- 265. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory # (Square Enix) {2020.11.11} (¥6.800) - 9.209 / 35.959
- 266. [NSW] The Cruel King and the Great Hero # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.06.24} (¥6.980) - 9.153 / NEW
- 267. [NSW] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Decisive Edition # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.07.08} (¥3.980) - 9.114 / NEW
- 268. [PS4] PlayStation VR Worlds |PlayStation VR| # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2016.10.13} (¥4.900) - 9.103 / 196.576
- 269. [NSW] Sonic Colors: Ultimate # (Sega) {2021.09.09} (¥3.990) - 8.915 / NEW
- 270. [PS4] The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles <The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures \ The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve> # (Capcom) {2021.07.29} (¥4.990) - 8.911 / NEW
- 271. [PS4] Fuuraiki 4 # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.07.08} (¥6.980) - 8.728 / NEW
- 272. [PS4] Street Fighter V: Champion Edition # (Capcom) {2020.02.14} (¥3.990) - 8.673 / 31.403
- 273. [NSW] Katamari Damacy Reroll # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.12.20} (¥3.200) - 8.667 / 61.205
- 274. [NSW] Monster Hunter Rise [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2021.12.16} (¥5.445) - 8.517 / NEW
- 275. [NSW] Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy DX+ # (Level 5) {2021.07.08} (¥4.500) - 8.514 / NEW
- 276. [PS4] Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.12.03} (¥7.800) - 8.493 / 50.519
- 277. [NSW] Subnautica + Subnautica: Below Zero <Subnautica \ Subnautica: Below Zero> # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.05.14} (¥5.980) - 8.466 / NEW
- 278. [NSW] Shuuen no Virche - ErroR: Salvation # (Idea Factory) {2021.10.07} (¥6.500) - 8.383 / NEW
- 279. [NSW] Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World: The Prophecy of the Throne # (Spike Chunsoft) {2021.01.28} (¥7.980) - 8.299 / NEW
- 280. [PS4] Densha de Go!! Hashirou Yamanotesen # (Square Enix) {2020.12.03} (¥7.800) - 8.246 / 40.088
- 281. [PS5] Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition # (Capcom) {2020.11.12} (¥4.990) - 8.173 / 14.195
- 282. [NSW] Hades # (Supergiant Games) {2021.09.30} (¥3.000) - 8.126 / NEW
- 283. [PS4] Yakuza 6: The Song of Life [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2020.10.22} (¥3.490) - 8.115 / 12.801
- 284. [PS4] Megaton Musashi # (Level 5) {2021.11.11} (¥6.340) - 8.104 / NEW
- 285. [NSW] Overcooked! All You Can Eat <Overcooked! \ Overcooked! 2> # (Pocket) {2021.07.21} (¥4.800) - 8.036 / NEW
- 286. [PS4] F1 2021 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.09.09} (¥7.909) - 7.985 / NEW
- 287. [NSW] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze # (Nintendo) {2018.05.03} (¥5.980) - 7.931 / 265.365
- 288. [PS4] Monark # (FuRyu) {2021.10.14} (¥7.700) - 7.879 / NEW
- 289. [NSW] Earth Defense Force: World Brothers # (D3Publisher) {2020.12.24} (¥7.480) - 7.847 / 17.248
- 290. [NSW] Tropico 6 # (Kalypso Media Japan) {2021.04.22} (¥5.980) - 7.825 / NEW
- 291. [NSW] Maglam Lord # (D3Publisher) {2021.03.18} (¥6.400) - 7.789 / NEW
- 292. [PS4] Rocket Arena: Mythic Edition # (Electronic Arts) {2020.07.14} (¥3.909) - 7.733 / 9.698
- 293. [NSW] Just Dance 2022 # (Ubisoft) {2021.11.04} (¥5.800) - 7.564 / NEW
- 294. [PS5] The Nioh Collection {Nioh Remastered: The Complete Edition <Nioh \ Nioh: Last Chance Trial \ Nioh: Dragon of the North \ Nioh: Defiant Honor \ Nioh: Bloodshed's End> \ Nioh 2 Remastered: The Complete Edition <Nioh 2 \ Nioh 2: The Tengu's Disciple \ Nioh 2: Darkness in the Capital \ Nioh 2: The First Samurai>} # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.02.04} (¥9.800) - 7.517 / NEW
- 295. [PS4] Little Nightmares: Complete Edition <Little Nightmares \ Little Nightmares: The Depths \ Little Nightmares: The Hideaway \ Little Nightmares: The Residence> # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.06.07} (¥3.200) - 7.510 / 26.824
- 296. [PS4] Yakuza: Ishin! [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2015.11.05} (¥3.990) - 7.496 / 25.318
- 297. [NSW] Deeeer Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game # (Playism) {2021.11.25} (¥3.618) - 7.488 / NEW
- 298. [NSW] Sumikko Gurashi: Sumikko Park e Youkoso # (Nippon Columbia) {2017.12.07} (¥5.800) - 7.470 / 141.722
- 299. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami 2 [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2019.02.21} (¥3.990) - 7.437 / 28.911
- 300. [PS4] Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed # (Acquire) {2021.05.20} (¥4.800) - 7.389 / NEW
- 301. [NSW] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II - Relentless Edition # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.08.05} (¥3.980) - 7.372 / NEW
- 302. [PS4] SD Gundam G Generation: Cross Rays - Platinum Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.03.25} (¥5.980) - 7.340 / NEW
- 303. [NSW] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX # (Pokemon Co.) {2020.03.06} (¥5.980) - 7.238 / 289.146
- 304. [NSW] Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton Reboot! # (Beep Japan) {2021.02.25} (¥4.800) - 7.203 / NEW
- 305. [3DS] Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past [Ultimate Hits] # (Square Enix) {2015.04.16} (¥2.800) - 7.200 / 79.646
- 306. [NSW] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva MegaMix # (Sega) {2020.02.13} (¥5.990) - 7.175 / 114.868
- 307. [PS5] Death Stranding: Director's Cut # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.09.24} (¥5.900) - 7.143 / NEW
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[308 - 350]
- 308. [NSW] Darius Cozmic Revelation <G Darius HD \ Darius Burst: Another Chronicle EX+> # (Taito) {2021.02.25} (¥6.800) - 7.122 / NEW
- 309. [PS4] Bloodborne [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 7.093 / 45.815
- 310. [NSW] Knockout Home Fitness # (Pocket) {2020.10.29} (¥5.500) - 7.091 / 15.148
- 311. [NSW] Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.09.26} (¥7.800) - 7.083 / 62.024
- 312. [NSW] Gal Gun Returns # (Inti Creates) {2021.01.28} (¥5.800) - 7.040 / NEW
- 313. [NSW] Among Us: Crewmate Edition # (H2 Interactive) {2021.12.16} (¥4.091) - 7.031 / NEW
- 314. [PS4] Yakuza 5 # (Sega) {2019.06.20} (¥3.990) - 7.025 / 67.823
- 315. [PS5] Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.12.23} (¥6.800) - 7.016 / NEW
- 316. [NSW] Spade no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful White World # (Idea Factory) {2021.09.30} (¥6.500) - 6.999 / NEW
- 317. [NSW] Gear.Club Unlimited 2: Ultimate Edition # (3goo) {2021.04.15} (¥4.500) - 6.990 / NEW
- 318. [NSW] Ouchi de Relaxuma: Relaxuma ga Ouchi ni Yatte Kita # (Nippon Columbia) {2020.11.05} (¥5.800) - 6.960 / 25.314
- 319. [NSW] Fuuraiki 4 # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.07.08} (¥6.980) - 6.756 / NEW
- 320. [PS4] Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV with Power-Up Kit # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.12.10} (¥9.800) - 6.697 / 15.919
- 321. [PS4] Rust # (Deep Silver) {2021.06.24} (¥5.480) - 6.646 / NEW
- 322. [PS4] Star Wars: Squadrons # (Electronic Arts) {2020.10.02} (¥3.909) - 6.637 / 19.229
- 323. [NSW] Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! # (Pokemon Co.) {2018.11.16} (¥5.980) - 6.632 / 797.021
- 324. [PS5] Hitman 3 # (H2 Interactive) {2021.08.26} (¥6.800) - 6.614 / NEW
- 325. [PS4] Ark: Survival Evolved # (Spike Chunsoft) {2017.10.26} (¥6.800) - 6.604 / 207.647
- 326. [PS4] Dead by Daylight: Special Edition # (3goo) {2021.07.08} (¥3.500) - 6.548 / NEW
- 327. [PS4] Watch Dogs: Legion # (Ubisoft) {2020.10.29} (¥8.400) - 6.525 / 65.158
- 328. [PS4] Everybody's Golf [Value Selection] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.11.21} (¥3.900) - 6.499 / 49.633
- 329. [PS4] Assassin's Creed: Valhalla # (Ubisoft) {2020.11.10} (¥8.400) - 6.490 / 63.763
- 330. [NSW] Model Debut Nicola # (FuRyu) {2019.11.01} (¥6.280) - 6.485 / 55.276
- 331. [NSW] Winter’s Wish: Spirits of Edo # (Idea Factory) {2021.07.29} (¥6.500) - 6.482 / NEW
- 332. [NSW] Atelier Mysterious Trilogy: Deluxe Pack {Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX \ Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX \ Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX} # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥13.800) - 6.474 / NEW
- 333. [NSW] Raiden IV x Mikado Remix <Raiden IV \ Mikado> # (Moss) {2021.04.22} (¥3.800) - 6.458 / NEW
- 334. [3DS] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King # (Square Enix) {2015.08.27} (¥5.980) - 6.451 / 887.928
- 335. [PS4] Subnautica: Below Zero # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.05.14} (¥3.200) - 6.353 / NEW
- 336. [NSW] Zoids Wild: Infinity Blast # (Takara Tomy) {2020.11.26} (¥5.980) - 6.242 / 21.832
- 337. [NSW] Uta no Prince-Sama: Debut for Nintendo Switch # (Broccoli) {2021.02.25} (¥5.800) - 6.230 / NEW
- 338. [NSW] Labyrinth of Galleria: Coven of Dusk # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.11.11} (¥5.980) - 6.218 / NEW
- 339. [PS4] Detroit: Become Human [Value Selection] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.11.21} (¥3.900) - 6.175 / 68.175
- 340. [NSW] Arms # (Nintendo) {2017.06.16} (¥5.980) - 6.163 / 501.364
- 341. [PS5] Nioh 2 Remastered: The Complete Edition <Nioh 2 \ Nioh 2: The Tengu's Disciple \ Nioh 2: Darkness in the Capital \ Nioh 2: The First Samurai> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.02.04} (¥5.800) - 6.126 / NEW
- 342. [PS4] Aliens: Fireteam Elite # (3goo) {2021.09.16} (¥4.500) - 6.105 / NEW
- 343. [PS4] Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition <Marvel's Spider-Man \ Marvel's Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps \ Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist \ Marvel's Spider-Man: Turf Wars \ Marvel's Spider-Man: Silver Lining> # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.08.29} (¥3.900) - 6.089 / 43.019
- 344. [PS4] GreedFall # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.10.29} (¥7.480) - 6.060 / 22.736
- 345. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition # (Nintendo) {2020.05.29} (¥5.980) - 6.038 / 154.463
- 346. [PS4] Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition <Resident Evil 7: biohazard \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol.1 \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol.2 \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - End of Zoe \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Not a Hero> [Grotesque Ver. Best Price] # (Capcom) {2018.12.13} (¥3.300) - 6.025 / 66.122
- 347. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit # (Nintendo) {2018.04.20} (¥6.980) - 6.012 / 302.878
- 348. [PS4] Apex Legends: Bloodhound Edition # (Electronic Arts) {2019.10.18} (¥1.727) - 5.972 / 30.751
- 349. [PS5] Assassin's Creed: Valhalla # (Ubisoft) {2020.11.12} (¥8.400) - 5.936 / 13.618
- 350. [PS4] Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton Reboot! # (Beep Japan) {2021.02.25} (¥4.800) - 5.919 / NEW
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[351 - 397]
- 351. [PS4] Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 # (Sega) {2020.12.10} (¥4.990) - 5.915 / 11.505
- 352. [NSW] Dokapon Up! Mugen no Roulette # (Aqua Plus) {2020.12.10} (¥5.800) - 5.767 / 19.328
- 353. [PS4] Umineko no Naku Koro ni Saku: Nekobako to Musou no Koukyoukyoku # (Entergram) {2021.01.28} (¥8.000) - 5.743 / NEW
- 354. [PS4] Granblue Fantasy: Versus # (Cygames) {2020.02.06} (¥6.980) - 5.717 / 153.552
- 355. [NSW] Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit - Luigi Set # (Nintendo) {2020.10.16} (¥9.980) - 5.695 / 35.458
- 356. [NSW] PAW Patrol the Movie: Adventure City Calls # (Outright Games) {2021.12.02} (¥5.000) - 5.677 / NEW
- 357. [NSW] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 5.648 / NEW
- 358. [PS4] Yakuza 4 # (Sega) {2019.01.17} (¥3.990) - 5.626 / 60.714
- 359. [PS4] Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill Edition <Dead by Daylight \ Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill> # (3goo) {2020.11.26} (¥4.600) - 5.609 / 8.420
- 360. [NSW] Sumikko Gurashi: Atsumare! Sumikko Town # (Nippon Columbia) {2018.10.04} (¥5.800) - 5.590 / 78.202
- 361. [NSW] Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star [Celebration Box] # (Marvelous) {2021.02.11} (¥19.800) - 5.576 / NEW
- 362. [NSW] Kishi: Fujii Souta no Shogi Training # (AnelaGamesStudio) {2020.03.05} (¥4.500) - 5.553 / 20.998
- 363. [NSW] Marchen Forest # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.01.28} (¥3.980) - 5.526 / NEW
- 364. [NSW] Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection <Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier \ Valis II \ Valis III> # (Edia) {2021.12.09} (¥4.800) - 5.503 / NEW
- 365. [PS4] Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition <Dark Souls III \ Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel \ Dark Souls III: The Ringed City> # (From Software) {2017.04.20} (¥5.900) - 5.495 / 129.706
- 366. [PS5] Guilty Gear: Strive # (Arc System Works) {2021.06.11} (¥7.800) - 5.459 / NEW
- 367. [PS4] Song of Horror # (EXNOA) {2021.08.26} (¥3.980) - 5.454 / NEW
- 368. [NSW] Shin Hayarigami 3 # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.07.29} (¥6.980) - 5.446 / NEW
- 369. [NSW] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim \ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard \ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Hearthfire \ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn> # (Bethesda Softworks) {2018.02.01} (¥6.980) - 5.427 / 87.106
- 370. [NSW] 1-2-Switch # (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥4.980) - 5.407 / 550.953
- 371. [NSW] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered # (Electronic Arts) {2020.11.13} (¥3.909) - 5.368 / 12.004
- 372. [PS4] Earth Defense Force: World Brothers # (D3Publisher) {2020.12.24} (¥7.480) - 5.357 / 18.404
- 373. [NSW] Ken ga Kimi for S # (Rejet) {2021.06.24} (¥6.800) - 5.341 / NEW
- 374. [PS4] Yakuza 3 # (Sega) {2018.08.09} (¥3.990) - 5.326 / 66.130
- 375. [PS5] Outriders # (Square Enix) {2021.04.01} (¥7.980) - 5.303 / NEW
- 376. [NSW] Kuukiyomi 1+2+3+ <Kuukiyomi: Consider It! \ Kuukiyomi 2: Consider It More! New Era \ Kuukiyomi 3: Consider It More and More!! Father to Son> # (G-Mode) {2021.11.25} (¥3.000) - 5.291 / NEW
- 377. [NSW] Zumba Burn it Up! # (Sega) {2020.06.18} (¥4.980) - 5.290 / 16.101
- 378. [NSW] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou [EG the Best] # (Entergram) {2020.08.27} (¥3.980) - 5.241 / 14.061
- 379. [NSW] Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: Bonus Edition <Crash Bandicoot \ Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back \ Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped> # (Sega) {2018.10.18} (¥4.900) - 5.194 / 41.527
- 380. [PS4] Cyberpunk 2077 # (Spike Chunsoft) {2020.12.10} (¥7.980) - 5.129 / 129.917
- 381. [NSW] Maneater # (Deep Silver) {2021.05.27} (¥5.480) - 5.121 / NEW
- 382. [NSW] Eastward # (Kakehashi Games) {2021.11.25} (¥4.000) - 5.072 / NEW
- 383. [NSW] Sniper Elite 4 # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.12.24} (¥4.980) - 5.066 / 7.428
- 384. [PS4] Resident Evil: Origins Collection <Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster \ Resident Evil HD Remaster> [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2017.03.23} (¥3.990) - 5.059 / 32.393
- 385. [PS4] Maneater # (Deep Silver) {2020.12.17} (¥5.480) - 5.043 / 11.065
- 386. [NSW] Moon: Remix RPG Adventure # (Onion Games) {2020.10.15} (¥8.000) - 5.037 / 23.127
- 387. [NSW] Detective Bokumetsu # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.05.27} (¥6.980) - 5.005 / NEW
- 388. [NSW] Summer Pockets: Reflection Blue # (Prototype) {2021.07.01} (¥8.000) - 4.999 / NEW
- 389. [PS5] Deathloop # (Bethesda Softworks) {2021.09.14} (¥7.980) - 4.974 / NEW
- 390. [PS4] Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. MaxiBoost On # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.07.30} (¥8.200) - 4.911 / 195.993
- 391. [PS4] NBA 2K21 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.09.04} (¥7.000) - 4.866 / 22.212
- 392. [NSW] Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.03.04} (¥5.800) - 4.837 / NEW
- 393. [NSW] Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World # (G Choice) {2021.04.22} (¥3.980) - 4.830 / NEW
- 394. [PS4] Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition # (EXNOA) {2021.05.13} (¥7.980) - 4.830 / NEW
- 395. [PS5] FIFA 21 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.01.28} (¥8.819) - 4.822 / NEW
- 396. [NSW] Astria Ascending # (3goo) {2021.10.07} (¥4.980) - 4.797 / NEW
- 397. [NSW] Metallic Child # (Crest) {2021.09.16} (¥3.618) - 4.790 / NEW
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[398 - 438]
- 398. [NSW] Dark Souls Remastered <Dark Souls \ Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss> # (From Software) {2018.10.18} (¥4.800) - 4.767 / 42.269
- 399. [NSW] Ciel Nosurge: Requiem to a Lost Star DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.03.04} (¥5.800) - 4.752 / NEW
- 400. [NSW] Tokei Jikake no Apocalypse # (Idea Factory) {2021.04.22} (¥6.500) - 4.737 / NEW
- 401. [NSW] Deathsmiles I & II <Deathsmiles \ Deathsmiles: Mega Black Label \ Deathsmiles II X> # (City Connection) {2021.12.16} (¥5.436) - 4.731 / NEW
- 402. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie # (Nihon Falcom) {2020.08.27} (¥7.800) - 4.717 / 98.962
- 403. [PS5] Utawarerumono: Zan 2 # (Aqua Plus) {2021.07.22} (¥7.800) - 4.704 / NEW
- 404. [PS4] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 4.698 / 53.033
- 405. [PS5] NBA 2K22 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2021.09.10} (¥8.000) - 4.690 / NEW
- 406. [PS5] Sackboy: A Big Adventure # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.12} (¥6.900) - 4.680 / 7.792
- 407. [PS4] Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: The Official Video Game # (Sega) {2019.07.24} (¥4.990) - 4.654 / 35.080
- 408. [NSW] NBA 2K21 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.09.04} (¥6.000) - 4.654 / 15.319
- 409. [PS4] Dragon Quest X: All in One Package Ver.1-5 {Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online \ Dragon Quest X: The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Sworn Friend Online \ Dragon Quest X: Legend of the Ancient Dragon Online \ Dragon Quest X: 5000 Year Journey to a Faraway Hometown Online \ Dragon Quest X: The Maiden of Thorns and the God of Destruction Online} # (Square Enix) {2020.05.14} (¥4.800) - 4.627 / 20.449
- 410. [PS4] Darius Cozmic Revelation <G Darius HD \ Darius Burst: Another Chronicle EX+> # (Taito) {2021.02.25} (¥6.800) - 4.623 / NEW
- 411. [PS4] Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World: The Prophecy of the Throne # (Spike Chunsoft) {2021.01.28} (¥7.980) - 4.621 / NEW
- 412. [NSW] Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania <Super Monkey Ball \ Super Monkey Ball 2 \ Super Monkey Ball Deluxe> # (Sega) {2021.10.07} (¥3.990) - 4.620 / NEW
- 413. [PS4] Wing of Darkness # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.06.03} (¥3.480) - 4.589 / NEW
- 414. [NSW] Persona 5 Strikers # (Atlus) {2020.02.20} (¥8.800) - 4.539 / 85.978
- 415. [PS4] The Cruel King and the Great Hero # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.06.24} (¥6.980) - 4.508 / NEW
- 416. [PS4] Dead by Daylight: The Story of Yamaoka Family # (3goo) {2020.02.13} (¥4.600) - 4.493 / 34.099
- 417. [NSW] Balan Wonderworld # (Square Enix) {2021.03.26} (¥6.980) - 4.490 / NEW
- 418. [PS4] Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - Starter Package # (Sega) {2021.08.19} (¥4.990) - 4.450 / NEW
- 419. [PS5] Godfall # (Playism) {2020.11.12} (¥7.900) - 4.429 / 10.154
- 420. [NSW] Immortals: Fenyx Rising # (Ubisoft) {2020.12.03} (¥6.980) - 4.417 / 12.799
- 421. [NSW] Two Point Hospital: Jumbo Edition # (Sega) {2021.07.29} (¥4.080) - 4.378 / NEW
- 422. [PS4] Resident Evil 25th Episode Selection Vol.1 {Resident Evil: Origins Collection <Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster \ Resident Evil HD Remaster> \ Resident Evil 2 \ Resident Evil 3} # (Capcom) {2021.11.25} (¥5.445) - 4.360 / NEW
- 423. [NSW] Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute <Magical Night Dreams Cotton 2 \ Magical Night Dreams Cotton Boomerang \ Guardian Force> # (City Connection) {2021.09.30} (¥4.527) - 4.343 / NEW
- 424. [PS4] Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 4.336 / NEW
- 425. [NSW] Ganso Minna de Spelunker # (Tozai Games) {2021.07.15} (¥3.000) - 4.330 / NEW
- 426. [NSW] Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! # (Pokemon Co.) {2018.11.16} (¥5.980) - 4.329 / 1.025.370
- 427. [NSW] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition # (Square Enix) {2020.08.27} (¥4.800) - 4.300 / 70.153
- 428. [NSW] Wing of Darkness # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.06.03} (¥3.480) - 4.273 / NEW
- 429. [NSW] Warriors Orochi 4: Ultimate # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.12.19} (¥7.800) - 4.264 / 38.889
- 430. [NSW] Demon Gaze Extra # (Kadokawa Games) {2021.09.02} (¥6.800) - 4.245 / NEW
- 431. [NSW] Snipperclips Plus: Cut it Out, Together! # (Nintendo) {2017.11.10} (¥3.280) - 4.237 / 142.645
- 432. [NSW] Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition <Dynasty Warriors 8 \ Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends> # (Koei Tecmo) {2018.12.27} (¥6.800) - 4.225 / 19.317
- 433. [NSW] Soccer Club Life Playing Manager # (Rainy Frog) {2021.02.10} (¥3.500) - 4.188 / NEW
- 434. [NSW] Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age # (Square Enix) {2019.04.25} (¥5.800) - 4.170 / 69.420
- 435. [PS4] Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.03.04} (¥5.800) - 4.157 / NEW
- 436. [NSW] Blaster Master Zero Trilogy: MetaFight Chronicle <Blaster Master Zero \ Blaster Master Zero II \ Blaster Master Zero III> # (Inti Creates) {2021.07.29} (¥5.980) - 4.154 / NEW
- 437. [NSW] Terraria # (Spike Chunsoft) {2019.12.19} (¥3.800) - 4.139 / 33.091
- 438. [PS5] Watch Dogs: Legion # (Ubisoft) {2020.11.26} (¥8.400) - 4.124 / 6.669
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[439 - 481]
- 439. [PS4] God of War [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.10.04} (¥1.990) - 4.106 / 19.941
- 440. [NSW] Shadowverse: Champions Battle # (Cygames) {2020.11.05} (¥5.980) - 4.101 / 27.711
- 441. [PS4] Everybody's Golf VR |PlayStation VR| # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.06.07} (¥3.900) - 4.090 / 58.070
- 442. [NSW] Mr. Driller: Drill Land # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.06.25} (¥3.200) - 4.088 / 20.490
- 443. [NSW] The Silver Case 2425: Kill the Past x Kill the Life <The Silver Case \ The 25th Ward: The Silver Case> # (Playism) {2021.02.18} (¥5.980) - 4.087 / NEW
- 444. [PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition <The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt \ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone \ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine> # (Spike Chunsoft) {2016.09.01} (¥6.480) - 4.008 / 125.997
- 445. [NSW] God Eater 3 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.07.11} (¥6.800) - 4.008 / 59.069
- 446. [PS4] Empire of Sin # (Sega) {2021.02.25} (¥5.990) - 4.006 / NEW
- 447. [NSW] Lover Pretend # (Idea Factory) {2021.03.25} (¥6.500) - 3.988 / NEW
- 448. [PS4] Maglam Lord # (D3Publisher) {2021.03.18} (¥6.400) - 3.987 / NEW
- 449. [NSW] Superlative Night Dreams Cotton Fantasy # (Success) {2021.12.23} (¥5.800) - 3.946 / NEW
- 450. [PS4] Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection <Uncharted: Drake's Fortune \ Uncharted 2: Among Thieves \ Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception> [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.11.21} (¥1.990) - 3.943 / 33.851
- 451. [PS4] Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth # (Playism) {2021.12.16} (¥3.618) - 3.921 / NEW
- 452. [NSW] Akogare Girls Collection: Pika Pika Nurse Monogatari - Shounika Haitsumo Oosawagi for Nintendo Switch # (Nippon Columbia) {2020.04.02} (¥4.800) - 3.898 / 17.819
- 453. [PS4] Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - Premium Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.11.05} (¥6.680) - 3.891 / 7.798
- 454. [PS4] Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star [Celebration Box] [Celebration Box] # (Marvelous) {2021.02.11} (¥19.800) - 3.874 / NEW
- 455. [PS4] Watch Dogs 1 + 2 Double Pack {Watch Dogs \ Watch Dogs 2} # (Ubisoft) {2020.08.06} (¥3.980) - 3.849 / 14.821
- 456. [PS4] Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville # (Electronic Arts) {2019.10.18} (¥3.818) - 3.844 / 5.025
- 457. [PS4] Laid-Back Camp: Have a Nice Day! # (Mages.) {2021.11.11} (¥7.800) - 3.843 / NEW
- 458. [PS4] Yakuza: Like a Dragon # (Sega) {2020.01.16} (¥8.390) - 3.811 / 265.522
- 459. [NSW] Yo-kai Watch 4++ # (Level 5) {2019.12.05} (¥6.480) - 3.807 / 99.190
- 460. [PS4] Ciel Nosurge: Requiem to a Lost Star DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.03.04} (¥5.800) - 3.787 / NEW
- 461. [NSW] Dragon Ball FighterZ # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.09.27} (¥6.800) - 3.774 / 113.937
- 462. [NSW] The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince [Best Price] # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.04.15} (¥3.980) - 3.766 / NEW
- 463. [PS4] Marchen Forest # (Clouded Leopard Entertainment) {2021.01.28} (¥3.980) - 3.758 / NEW
- 464. [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.10.04} (¥1.990) - 3.683 / 12.204
- 465. [PS4] Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary # (Square Enix) {2017.10.19} (¥7.800) - 3.681 / 94.332
- 466. [NSW] Monster Hunter Rise + Monster Hunter Stories 2 Twin Pack {Monster Hunter Rise \ Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin} # (Capcom) {2021.11.11} (¥9.990) - 3.676 / NEW
- 467. [PS4] Deathsmiles I & II <Deathsmiles \ Deathsmiles: Mega Black Label \ Deathsmiles II X> # (City Connection) {2021.12.16} (¥5.436) - 3.667 / NEW
- 468. [PS4] Sonic Colors: Ultimate # (Sega) {2021.09.09} (¥3.990) - 3.628 / NEW
- 469. [PS5] Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 # (Sega) {2020.12.10} (¥4.990) - 3.625 / 4.785
- 470. [PS5] Metro: Exodus - Complete Edition <Metro: Exodus \ Metro Exodus: The Two Colonels \ Metro Exodus: Sam's Story> # (Spike Chunsoft) {2021.07.15} (¥4.400) - 3.565 / NEW
- 471. [NSW] Ultimate Tiger-Heli: Toaplan Arcade Garage <Tiger-Heli \ Get Star \ Twin Cobra> # (M2) {2021.10.28} (¥6.800) - 3.542 / NEW
- 472. [PS4] Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town # (Marvelous) {2021.11.25} (¥5.800) - 3.523 / NEW
- 473. [NSW] Bustafellows # (Nippon Cultural Broadcasting eXtend) {2019.12.19} (¥6.300) - 3.512 / 15.078
- 474. [PS5] Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy # (Square Enix) {2021.10.26} (¥8.000) - 3.486 / NEW
- 475. [PS5] F1 2021 # (Electronic Arts) {2021.09.09} (¥7.909) - 3.474 / NEW
- 476. [PS4] Farming Simulator 22 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.11.25} (¥5.980) - 3.458 / NEW
- 477. [PS4] Ghostrunner # (H2 Interactive) {2021.01.28} (¥4.500) - 3.402 / NEW
- 478. [NSW] Rolling Gunner + Over Power <Rolling Gunner \ Over Power> # (Mebius) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 3.385 / NEW
- 479. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 - Professional # (Square Enix) {2017.02.09} (¥5.250) - 3.381 / 220.523
- 480. [NSW] Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Cloud - Starter Package # (Sega) {2021.08.19} (¥4.990) - 3.359 / NEW
- 481. [PS4] Shin Hayarigami 3 # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.07.29} (¥6.980) - 3.335 / NEW
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[482 - 523]
- 482. [PS4] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition # (Square Enix) {2020.08.27} (¥4.800) - 3.304 / 41.510
- 483. [PS5] NBA 2K21 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.11.12} (¥8.000) - 3.301 / 5.358
- 484. [NSW] Naruhodou Legends Collection {Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy <Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations> \ The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles <The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures \ The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve>} # (Capcom) {2021.07.29} (¥6.990) - 3.285 / NEW
- 485. [PS5] Monark # (FuRyu) {2021.10.14} (¥7.700) - 3.270 / NEW
- 486. [NSW] Shiro to Kuro no Alice for Nintendo Switch # (Idea Factory) {2021.06.24} (¥6.800) - 3.268 / NEW
- 487. [PS5] Aliens: Fireteam Elite # (3goo) {2021.09.16} (¥4.500) - 3.254 / NEW
- 488. [NSW] Valkyria Chronicles 4 [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2020.10.22} (¥2.700) - 3.229 / 5.735
- 489. [NSW] CharadeManiacs for Nintendo Switch # (Idea Factory) {2021.09.16} (¥6.500) - 3.223 / NEW
- 490. [PS4] Professional Baseball Spirits 2019 # (Konami) {2019.07.18} (¥8.800) - 3.209 / 296.611
- 491. [PS4] The King of Fighters XIV: Ultimate Edition # (SNK) {2021.03.11} (¥3.600) - 3.156 / NEW
- 492. [PS4] Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy # (Square Enix) {2021.10.26} (¥8.000) - 3.154 / NEW
- 493. [NSW] Empire of Sin # (Sega) {2021.02.25} (¥5.990) - 3.151 / NEW
- 494. [PS4] Resident Evil 25th Episode Selection Vol.2 {Resident Evil 4 \ Resident Evil 5 \ Resident Evil 6} # (Capcom) {2021.11.25} (¥5.445) - 3.147 / NEW
- 495. [PS4] Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition # (Spike Chunsoft) {2018.04.12} (¥5.400) - 3.147 / 85.498
- 496. [PS4] Resident Evil 25th Episode Selection Vol.3 {Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition <Resident Evil 7: biohazard \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol.1 \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Banned Footage Vol.2 \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - End of Zoe \ Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Not a Hero> \ Resident Evil Village} # (Capcom) {2021.11.25} (¥5.445) - 3.145 / NEW
- 497. [NSW] Paradigm Paradox # (Idea Factory) {2021.05.27} (¥6.500) - 3.136 / NEW
- 498. [PS4] Far Cry 5 + New Dawn Double Pack {Far Cry 5 \ Far Cry: New Dawn} # (Ubisoft) {2021.06.17} (¥3.980) - 3.091 / NEW
- 499. [NSW] Aria Chronicle # (Crest) {2021.07.08} (¥3.960) - 3.089 / NEW
- 500. [NSW] Tales of Djungarian Hamster # (Success) {2021.05.20} (¥2.273) - 3.086 / NEW
- 501. [NSW] Bayonetta 2 # (Nintendo) {2018.02.17} (¥5.980) - 3.069 / 42.514 (9.532 <24,38%>)
- 502. [PS4] Shenmue III # (Deep Silver) {2019.11.19} (¥6.980) - 3.057 / 30.806
- 503. [PS4] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim \ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard \ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Hearthfire \ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn> # (Bethesda Softworks) {2016.11.10} (¥5.980) - 3.055 / 109.728
- 504. [NSW] Fairy Tail # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.07.30} (¥7.800) - 3.038 / 28.853
- 505. [NSW] B-Project: Ryuusei Fantasia # (Mages.) {2021.09.30} (¥7.800) - 3.026 / NEW
- 506. [NSW] Fitness Boxing # (Imagineer) {2018.12.20} (¥5.800) - 2.998 / 207.160
- 507. [PS4] Resident Evil 2 [Z Version Best Price] # (Capcom) {2019.12.13} (¥3.990) - 2.960 / 33.744
- 508. [PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake # (Square Enix) {2020.04.10} (¥8.980) - 2.957 / 973.609
- 509. [PS4] Resident Evil: Revelations # (Capcom) {2017.08.31} (¥2.990) - 2.945 / 34.493
- 510. [PS4] Dragon Quest Builders 2 [New Price Edition] # (Square Enix) {2020.12.04} (¥4.980) - 2.933 / 4.216
- 511. [NSW] Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda # (Spike Chunsoft) {2020.10.23} (¥4.345) - 2.924 / 8.552
- 512. [PS4] Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.07.09} (¥7.600) - 2.923 / 99.849
- 513. [PS4] Judgment [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2019.07.18} (¥4.540) - 2.922 / 55.575
- 514. [PS5] Mortal Shell # (EXNOA) {2021.05.20} (¥3.980) - 2.919 / NEW
- 515. [NSW] Ghostrunner # (H2 Interactive) {2021.01.28} (¥4.500) - 2.917 / NEW
- 516. [NSW] The Experience! Sports Pack: Tennis - Bowling - Golf - Billiards <Tennis \ Knock 'Em Down! Bowling \ The Golf \ Billiard> # (D3Publisher) {2019.04.04} (¥2.800) - 2.909 / 11.462
- 517. [NSW] SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky # (Mages.) {2021.09.16} (¥7.800) - 2.902 / NEW
- 518. [PS4] Superlative Night Dreams Cotton Fantasy # (Success) {2021.12.23} (¥5.800) - 2.896 / NEW
- 519. [PS4] Minecraft Dungeons: Hero Edition # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.10.08} (¥3.600) - 2.895 / 5.662
- 520. [NSW] Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2017.09.07} (¥6.800) - 2.888 / 195.387
- 521. [PS4] Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [EA Best Hits] # (Electronic Arts) {2020.12.17} (¥3.909) - 2.882 / 3.188 (170 <15,33%>)
- 522. [NSW] Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2018.11.22} (¥2.990) - 2.870 / 10.489
- 523. [PS4] The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match # (SNK) {2021.04.15} (¥2.709) - 2.867 / NEW
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[524 - 563]
- 524. [PS4] Immortals: Fenyx Rising # (Ubisoft) {2020.12.03} (¥6.980) - 2.846 / 8.357
- 525. [PS4] Hades # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2021.09.30} (¥3.000) - 2.832 / NEW
- 526. [PS4] Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute <Magical Night Dreams Cotton 2 \ Magical Night Dreams Cotton Boomerang \ Guardian Force> # (City Connection) {2021.09.30} (¥4.527) - 2.831 / NEW
- 527. [PS4] Fortnite: Minty Legends Pack # (Epic Games) {2021.11.02} (¥3.000) - 2.831 / NEW
- 528. [PS4] Atelier Mysterious Trilogy: Deluxe Pack {Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX \ Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX \ Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX} # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥13.800) - 2.827 / NEW
- 529. [NSW] Renai, Karichaimashita # (Entergram) {2021.07.21} (¥6.980) - 2.826 / NEW
- 530. [PS4] Ratchet & Clank [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 2.825 / 14.860
- 531. [PS4] Labyrinth of Galleria: Coven of Dusk # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2020.11.26} (¥7.200) - 2.824 / 20.245
- 532. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit # (Nintendo) {2019.04.12} (¥7.980) - 2.812 / 107.231
- 533. [PS4] Street Fighter V: Champion Edition - All Character Pack # (Capcom) {2021.12.09} (¥5.490) - 2.808 / NEW
- 534. [PS4] Fallout 76 # (Bethesda Softworks) {2018.11.15} (¥7.980) - 2.808 / 119.860
- 535. [NSW] Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 2.805 / NEW
- 536. [PS4] Outward # (EXNOA) {2020.12.10} (¥6.980) - 2.801 / 8.306
- 537. [PS4] Dokapon Up! Mugen no Roulette # (Aqua Plus) {2020.12.10} (¥5.800) - 2.798 / 10.405
- 538. [NSW] Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence with Power-Up Kit # (Koei Tecmo) {2017.03.03} (¥9.800) - 2.778 / 14.047 (1.400 <14,07%>)
- 539. [NSW] Uta no Prince-Sama: All Star for Nintendo Switch # (Broccoli) {2021.12.23} (¥5.800) - 2.764 / NEW
- 540. [PS4] MLB The Show 21 - English Edition # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.04.20} (¥5.900) - 2.758 / NEW
- 541. [NSW] Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi with Power-Up Kit # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.02.14} (¥9.800) - 2.748 / 20.870
- 542. [PS4] Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! # (Playism) {2021.10.07} (¥3.818) - 2.733 / NEW
- 543. [NSW] Asatsugutori # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.11.25} (¥6.980) - 2.714 / NEW
- 544. [PS4] Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Deluxe Edition # (Ubisoft) {2020.03.12} (¥4.480) - 2.682 / 27.237
- 545. [NSW] Steam Prison # (Dramatic Create) {2021.02.25} (¥6.900) - 2.669 / NEW
- 546. [PS4] Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark # (EXNOA) {2021.01.28} (¥3.480) - 2.667 / NEW
- 547. [PS5] Nioh Remastered: The Complete Edition <Nioh \ Nioh: Last Chance Trial \ Nioh: Dragon of the North \ Nioh: Defiant Honor \ Nioh: Bloodshed's End> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.02.04} (¥5.800) - 2.665 / NEW
- 548. [PS4] Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal Edition <Kingdom Come: Deliverance \ Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Treasures of the Past \ Kingdom Come: Deliverance - From The Ashes \ Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon \ Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Band of Bastards \ Kingdom Come: Deliverance - A Woman's Lot> # (EXNOA) {2021.02.18} (¥5.980) - 2.651 / NEW
- 549. [NSW] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 2.637 / NEW
- 550. [PS4] Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 2.626 / NEW
- 551. [NSW] Grisaia Phantom Trigger 01 to 05 <Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol.1 \ Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol.2 \ Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol.3 \ Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol.4 \ Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol.5> # (Prototype) {2021.04.28} (¥5.900) - 2.625 / NEW
- 552. [PS5] Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth # (Playism) {2021.12.16} (¥3.618) - 2.617 / NEW
- 553. [PS4] Chivalry II # (Deep Silver) {2021.06.24} (¥5.480) - 2.609 / NEW
- 554. [NSW] Yomawari: The Long Night Collection <Yomawari: Night Alone \ Yomawari: Midnight Shadows> # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2018.10.25} (¥6.980) - 2.604 / 15.336
- 555. [PS4] Need for Speed: Heat # (Electronic Arts) {2019.11.08} (¥7.727) - 2.587 / 54.533
- 556. [NSW] Aleste Collection <Aleste \ Aleste II \ GG Aleste \ GG Aleste II \ GG Aleste 3> # (M2) {2020.12.24} (¥6.800) - 2.565 / 8.305
- 557. [NSW] Issho ni Asobo Koupen-chan # (Neos) {2020.09.24} (¥5.500) - 2.560 / 14.790
- 558. [PS4] Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia # (Happinet) {2020.12.10} (¥7.200) - 2.550 / 6.677
- 559. [PS4] Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time # (Activision) {2020.10.02} (¥6.900) - 2.539 / 23.699
- 560. [NSW] Pretty Princess Party # (Nippon Columbia) {2019.12.05} (¥4.800) - 2.526 / 20.973
- 561. [PS4] Astro Bot: Rescue Mission |PlayStation VR| # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.10.04} (¥4.900) - 2.522 / 55.594
- 562. [NSW] Sengoku Koihime: Otome Kenran Sengoku Emaki # (Entergram) {2021.07.21} (¥7.590) - 2.503 / NEW
- 563. [NSW] Doraemon: Story of Seasons # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.06.13} (¥6.100) - 2.502 / 136.248
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[564 - 612]
- 564. [NSW] Hakuoki: Shinkai - Reimeiroku # (Idea Factory) {2021.08.26} (¥6.300) - 2.500 / NEW
- 565. [PS4] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.04.22} (¥4.800) - 2.490 / NEW
- 566. [PS4] Persona 5 Strikers # (Atlus) {2020.02.20} (¥8.800) - 2.490 / 174.373
- 567. [PS4] Aleste Collection <Aleste \ Aleste II \ GG Aleste \ GG Aleste II \ GG Aleste 3> # (M2) {2020.12.24} (¥6.800) - 2.470 / 6.349
- 568. [3DS] Bravely Default: For the Sequel [Ultimate Hits] # (Square Enix) {2014.08.07} (¥2.500) - 2.461 / 58.632
- 569. [PS4] Crysis Remastered Trilogy <Crysis Remastered \ Crysis 2 Remastered \ Crysis 3 Remastered> # (H2 Interactive) {2021.12.09} (¥5.900) - 2.456 / NEW
- 570. [PS4] Blood & Truth |PlayStation VR| # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.05.30} (¥4.900) - 2.436 / 12.015
- 571. [NSW] PGA Tour 2K21 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.09.25} (¥6.000) - 2.432 / 5.496
- 572. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening # (Nintendo) {2019.09.20} (¥5.980) - 2.421 / 309.190
- 573. [NSW] Trials of Mana # (Square Enix) {2020.04.24} (¥5.980) - 2.413 / 113.671
- 574. [PS4] Far Cry 3 + 4 Double Pack {Far Cry 3: Classic Edition \ Far Cry 4} # (Ubisoft) {2020.08.06} (¥3.980) - 2.412 / 6.035
- 575. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo # (Nintendo) {2016.11.23} (¥2.700) - 2.411 / 578.823
- 576. [PS4] Kingdom Come: Deliverance [DMM Games the Best] # (EXNOA) {2021.02.18} (¥2.980) - 2.403 / NEW
- 577. [NSW] Piofiore: Episodio 1926 # (Idea Factory) {2020.11.12} (¥6.500) - 2.378 / 9.498
- 578. [PS4] Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin [Best Price] # (Marvelous) {2021.12.09} (¥2.980) - 2.372 / NEW
- 579. [PS5] Dead by Daylight: Special Edition # (3goo) {2021.07.08} (¥3.500) - 2.361 / NEW
- 580. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit # (Nintendo) {2018.04.20} (¥7.980) - 2.344 / 87.007
- 581. [NSW] Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia # (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2020.11.05} (¥4.980) - 2.337 / 3.198
- 582. [NSW] Typing Quest # (Sena Networks) {2021.04.22} (¥3.980) - 2.333 / NEW
- 583. [NSW] Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town # (Marvelous) {2019.10.17} (¥5.800) - 2.311 / 169.899
- 584. [NSW] Air # (Prototype) {2021.09.09} (¥4.500) - 2.303 / NEW
- 585. [NSW] LEGO Marvel Super Heroes # (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2021.12.16} (¥4.300) - 2.284 / NEW
- 586. [NSW] Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei # (Idea Factory) {2020.09.17} (¥6.500) - 2.263 / 9.908
- 587. [PS4] Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2021.04.22} (¥5.980) - 2.250 / NEW
- 588. [NSW] Port Royale 4 # (Kalypso Media Japan) {2021.09.02} (¥5.980) - 2.242 / NEW
- 589. [PS4] Resident Evil 3 # (Capcom) {2020.04.03} (¥7.800) - 2.242 / 255.774
- 590. [NSW] Collar x Malice for Nintendo Switch # (Idea Factory) {2020.03.12} (¥7.000) - 2.228 / 9.004
- 591. [PS4] Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.07.04} (¥7.800) - 2.224 / 33.145
- 592. [PS5] Maneater # (Deep Silver) {2020.12.17} (¥5.480) - 2.221 / 3.902
- 593. [PS4] Altreus: Beyond Chronos |PlayStation VR| # (MyDearest) {2021.04.15} (¥4.980) - 2.208 / NEW
- 594. [NSW] The Mahjong # (D3Publisher) {2018.06.21} (¥2.800) - 2.202 / 12.688
- 595. [NSW] TerraTech # (Teyon Japan) {2021.12.09} (¥3.500) - 2.191 / NEW
- 596. [PS4] Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2016.07.07} (¥2.990) - 2.191 / 20.194
- 597. [PS5] Hades # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2021.09.30} (¥3.000) - 2.176 / NEW
- 598. [PS4] Resident Evil: Revelations 2 [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2016.08.04} (¥2.990) - 2.176 / 19.553
- 599. [PS4] Need for Speed: Heat [EA Best Hits] # (Electronic Arts) {2021.11.25} (¥2.800) - 2.175 / NEW
- 600. [NSW] Jinki Resurrection # (Entergram) {2021.02.25} (¥6.600) - 2.173 / NEW
- 601. [NSW] Shing! # (Natsume Atari) {2021.01.21} (¥3.800) - 2.167 / NEW
- 602. [NSW] Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.10.29} (¥7.600) - 2.158 / 23.095
- 603. [NSW] Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.08.27} (¥7.600) - 2.152 / 32.483
- 604. [NSW] Sweet Clown: Gozen Sanji no Okashi na Doukeshi # (Takuyo) {2021.07.22} (¥6.800) - 2.138 / NEW
- 605. [PS4] Sackboy: A Big Adventure # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.11.12} (¥6.900) - 2.138 / 4.986
- 606. [NSW] Destroy All Humans! # (THQ Nordic Japan) {2021.08.26} (¥4.345) - 2.136 / NEW
- 607. [NSW] Star Wars: Jedi Knight Collection <Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy \ Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast> # (THQ Nordic Japan) {2021.12.23} (¥3.600) - 2.135 / NEW
- 608. [PS4] Ultimate Tiger-Heli: Toaplan Arcade Garage <Tiger-Heli \ Get Star \ Twin Cobra> # (M2) {2021.10.28} (¥6.800) - 2.131 / NEW
- 609. [PS5] Neptunia ReVerse # (Compile Heart) {2020.12.17} (¥7.600) - 2.128 / 5.112
- 610. [PS4] Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.10.29} (¥7.600) - 2.125 / 18.717
- 611. [NSW] Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi # (Experience) {2020.10.15} (¥7.800) - 2.122 / 8.957
- 612. [PS4] Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition # (Electronic Arts) {2019.10.18} (¥1.727) - 2.121 / 21.929
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[613 - 656]
- 613. [PS4] SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky # (Mages.) {2021.09.16} (¥7.800) - 2.119 / NEW
- 614. [NSW] KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! Love for this Tempting Attire! # (Mages.) {2020.09.24} (¥7.800) - 2.117 / 8.602
- 615. [NSW] Olympia Soiree # (Idea Factory) {2020.04.16} (¥6.500) - 2.116 / 12.083
- 616. [NSW] Hakuoki: Shinkai - Fuukaden for Nintendo Switch # (Idea Factory) {2018.09.06} (¥6.800) - 2.098 / 9.331
- 617. [PS4] EA Sports UFC 4 # (Electronic Arts) {2020.08.14} (¥7.909) - 2.088 / 7.708
- 618. [NSW] Eiga Sumikko Gurashi: Tobidasu Ehon to Himitsu no Ko - Game de Asobou! Ehon no Sekai # (Nippon Columbia) {2019.11.07} (¥4.800) - 2.086 / 62.443
- 619. [PS4] Detective Bokumetsu # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.05.27} (¥6.980) - 2.079 / NEW
- 620. [PS4] Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.09.26} (¥7.800) - 2.068 / 77.151
- 621. [PS4] Demon Gaze Extra # (Kadokawa Games) {2021.09.02} (¥6.800) - 2.067 / NEW
- 622. [NSW] Muse Dash # (Flyhigh Works) {2021.04.08} (¥3.600) - 2.063 / NEW
- 623. [PS4] The Dark Pictures: Little Hope # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.12.03} (¥3.200) - 2.057 / 4.985
- 624. [PS5] Immortals: Fenyx Rising # (Ubisoft) {2020.12.03} (¥6.980) - 2.057 / 3.958
- 625. [NSW] Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle <Armored Warriors \ Knights of the Round \ The King of Dragons \ Final Fight \ Captain Commando \ Warriors of Fate \ Battle Circuit> # (Capcom) {2018.12.06} (¥3.300) - 2.047 / 25.975
- 626. [PS5] Subnautica: Below Zero # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.05.14} (¥3.200) - 2.045 / NEW
- 627. [NSW] Clannad # (Prototype) {2019.07.04} (¥5.200) - 2.028 / 7.594
- 628. [PS4] World War Z: Game of the Year Edition <World War Z \ World War Z: Marseilles> # (H2 Interactive) {2020.10.29} (¥5.480) - 2.028 / 4.449
- 629. [PS4] Fairy Tail # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.07.30} (¥7.800) - 2.026 / 21.208
- 630. [NSW] Ys Origin # (3goo) {2020.10.01} (¥5.800) - 2.024 / 9.415
- 631. [NSW] Ai Kiss 2 # (Entergram) {2021.03.25} (¥6.980) - 2.011 / NEW
- 632. [NSW] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy <Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations> # (Capcom) {2019.02.21} (¥3.300) - 2.010 / 18.869
- 633. [NSW] Psikyo Shooting Library Vol.1 <Strikers 1945 \ Strikers 1945 II \ Strikers 1945 III \ Sol Divide \ Dragon Blaze \ Zero Gunner 2> # (City Connection) {2019.07.25} (¥3.800) - 2.007 / 8.615
- 634. [PS4] Mary Skelter Finale # (Compile Heart) {2020.11.05} (¥7.600) - 2.003 / 8.987
- 635. [NSW] Resident Evil: Revelations # (Capcom) {2017.11.30} (¥2.990) - 2.003 / 34.865
- 636. [NSW] Catherine: Full Body # (Atlus) {2020.07.02} (¥6.980) - 2.002 / 15.840
- 637. [NSW] Monopoly for Nintendo Switch + Monopoly Madness <Monopoly for Nintendo Switch \ Monopoly Madness> # (Ubisoft) {2021.12.09} (¥5.800) - 1.999 / NEW
- 638. [PS4] WRC 10: FIA World Rally Championship # (3goo) {2021.10.28} (¥6.800) - 1.998 / NEW
- 639. [NSW] DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power # (Nintendo) {2021.06.04} (¥5.980) - 1.997 / NEW
- 640. [PS4] Dark Souls Remastered <Dark Souls \ Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss> # (From Software) {2018.05.24} (¥4.800) - 1.992 / 131.664
- 641. [NSW] Esp Ra.De. Ψ # (M2) {2019.12.19} (¥6.800) - 1.991 / 6.666
- 642. [PS4] Warriors Orochi 4: Ultimate # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.12.19} (¥7.800) - 1.978 / 45.428
- 643. [PS5] WRC 10: FIA World Rally Championship # (3goo) {2021.10.28} (¥6.800) - 1.970 / NEW
- 644. [PS4] Port Royale 4 # (Kalypso Media Japan) {2021.09.02} (¥6.980) - 1.970 / NEW
- 645. [NSW] Star Renegades # (EXNOA) {2021.04.28} (¥3.000) - 1.969 / NEW
- 646. [NSW] Susanoh: Japanese Mythology RPG # (Mebius) {2021.07.29} (¥4.980) - 1.960 / NEW
- 647. [NSW] Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX: Limited Edition 25th Anniversary Box <Monster Rancher \ Monster Rancher 2> # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.12.09} (¥13.700) - 1.952 / NEW
- 648. [PS4] Assassin's Creed IV + Rogue Remastered Double Pack {Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag \ Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered} # (Ubisoft) {2021.04.22} (¥3.980) - 1.952 / NEW
- 649. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age # (Square Enix) {2017.07.29} (¥5.980) - 1.940 / 1.809.175
- 650. [PS4] Katamari Damacy Reroll # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.11.19} (¥3.200) - 1.940 / 5.831
- 651. [PS4] Okami HD # (Capcom) {2017.12.21} (¥2.990) - 1.938 / 44.993
- 652. [NSW] Sugar Style # (Entergram) {2021.06.24} (¥6.980) - 1.936 / NEW
- 653. [NSW] Star Wars: Racer & Commando Combo <Star Wars Episode I: Racer \ Star Wars: Republic Commando> # (THQ Nordic Japan) {2021.12.23} (¥3.600) - 1.932 / NEW
- 654. [PS5] Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! # (Playism) {2021.10.07} (¥3.818) - 1.902 / NEW
- 655. [NSW] Psikyo Shooting Library Vol.2 <Samurai Aces \ Tengai \ Sengoku Cannon \ Gunbird \ Gunbird 2 \ Gunbarich> # (City Connection) {2019.08.29} (¥3.800) - 1.895 / 8.258
- 656. [NSW] Akita Oga Mystery Guide: The Frozen Silverbell Flower # (Flyhigh Works) {2021.07.01} (¥3.600) - 1.885 / NEW
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[657 - 696]
- 657. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven 1 + 2 + 3!! Endou Mamoru Legend <Inazuma Eleven \ Inazuma Eleven 2: Firestorm \ Inazuma Eleven 2: Blizzard \ Inazuma Eleven 3: Lightning Bolt \ Inazuma Eleven 3: Bomb Blast \ Inazuma Eleven 3: Team Ogre Attacks!> # (Level 5) {2012.12.27} (¥5.524) - 1.881 / 99.291
- 658. [PS5] Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 # (H2 Interactive) {2021.11.25} (¥5.800) - 1.878 / NEW
- 659. [NSW] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2020.03.19} (¥6.980) - 1.873 / 15.479
- 660. [NSW] Hamidashi Creative # (iMel) {2021.06.24} (¥4.980) - 1.872 / NEW
- 661. [NSW] Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle <Renegade \ Super Dodgeball \ River City Ransom \ Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club - Soccer Story \ Downtown Nekketsu March Super-Awesome Field Day! \ Downtown Special Kunio-kun's Historical Period Drama! \ Go-Go! Nekketsu Hockey Club Slip-and-Slide Madness \ Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge \ Nekketsu Fighting Legend \ Kunio-kun's Nekketsu Soccer League \ Nekketsu! Street Basketball All-Out Dunk Heroes \ Double Dragon \ Double Dragon II: The Revenge \ Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones> # (Arc System Works) {2018.12.20} (¥5.370) - 1.855 / 20.924 (5.063 <54,84%>)
- 662. [NSW] Illmatic Envelope Swamp + Radirgy Swag <Illmatic Envelope Swamp \ Radirgy Swag> # (Mebius) {2021.11.18} (¥4.980) - 1.843 / NEW
- 663. [NSW] Manifold Garden # (Playism) {2021.05.20} (¥4.200) - 1.840 / NEW
- 664. [PS4] SnowRunner # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2020.09.10} (¥6.800) - 1.836 / 7.257
- 665. [NSW] Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Irodori Nadeshiko # (Idea Factory) {2018.09.20} (¥6.800) - 1.827 / 8.746
- 666. [NSW] Saints Row IV: Re-Elected # (EXNOA) {2020.11.26} (¥3.980) - 1.821 / 4.283
- 667. [NSW] Children of Morta # (EXNOA) {2020.12.17} (¥3.980) - 1.817 / 2.901
- 668. [NSW] Clannad: Side Stories # (Prototype) {2021.05.20} (¥4.500) - 1.811 / NEW
- 669. [PS4] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.03.26} (¥7.800) - 1.792 / 149.908
- 670. [NSW] 2064: Read Only Memories Integral # (Chorus Worldwide) {2021.04.15} (¥3.980) - 1.789 / NEW
- 671. [PS4] Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order # (Electronic Arts) {2019.11.15} (¥7.727) - 1.779 / 71.817
- 672. [PS4] Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Encore # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.04.08} (¥3.200) - 1.774 / NEW
- 673. [NSW] Forward to the Sky # (Cosen) {2021.02.25} (¥4.000) - 1.766 / NEW
- 674. [NSW] Amnesia World for Nintendo Switch # (Idea Factory) {2021.08.19} (¥6.500) - 1.756 / NEW
- 675. [PS4] KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! Love for this Tempting Attire! # (Mages.) {2020.09.24} (¥7.800) - 1.745 / 6.435
- 676. [NSW] Piofiore: Fated Memories # (Idea Factory) {2019.07.25} (¥6.300) - 1.732 / 11.306
- 677. [PS5] Fortnite: The Last Laugh Bundle # (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2020.11.17} (¥3.000) - 1.731 / 3.994
- 678. [PS4] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered # (Electronic Arts) {2020.11.06} (¥3.909) - 1.728 / 5.176
- 679. [NSW] The Grisaia Trilogy <The Fruit of Grisaia \ The Labyrinth of Grisaia \ The Eden of Grisaia> # (Prototype) {2019.11.07} (¥7.200) - 1.716 / 7.166
- 680. [PS4] Two Point Hospital: Jumbo Edition # (Sega) {2021.07.29} (¥4.080) - 1.709 / NEW
- 681. [NSW] Surge Concerto DX - Agent Pack Code:Silver/. {Ciel Nosurge: Requiem to a Lost Star DX \ Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star DX} # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.03.04} (¥17.500) - 1.704 / NEW
- 682. [PS4] Sniper Elite 4 # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.11.19} (¥4.980) - 1.702 / 4.704
- 683. [NSW] Dragon Quest Builders 2 # (Square Enix) {2018.12.20} (¥7.800) - 1.696 / 283.799
- 684. [PS4] Surge Concerto DX - Agent Pack Code:Silver/. {Ciel Nosurge: Requiem to a Lost Star DX \ Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star DX} # (Koei Tecmo) {2021.03.04} (¥17.500) - 1.695 / NEW
- 685. [PS5] Astria Ascending # (3goo) {2021.10.07} (¥4.980) - 1.694 / NEW
- 686. [XBS] Forza Horizon 5 # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2021.11.09} (¥6.900) - 1.692 / NEW
- 687. [NSW] Meiji Katsugeki High Kara Ryuuseikumi: Seihai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyou # (Idea Factory) {2020.09.24} (¥6.500) - 1.683 / 6.888
- 688. [PS5] DiRT 5 # (Koch Media) {2021.08.05} (¥7.980) - 1.673 / NEW
- 689. [NSW] WitchSpring3 Re:Fine - The Story of Eirudy # (Artdink) {2020.12.17} (¥3.980) - 1.672 / 4.856
- 690. [NSW] Gesshizu: Mori no Chiisana Nakama-tachi # (Nippon Columbia) {2020.07.22} (¥4.800) - 1.660 / 11.508
- 691. [NSW] Taishou Mebiusline: Taizen # (Dramatic Create) {2021.01.28} (¥8.800) - 1.657 / NEW
- 692. [PS4] The Crew 2 [Ubi the Best] # (Ubisoft) {2020.03.12} (¥2.980) - 1.642 / 5.267
- 693. [PS4] Days Gone [Value Selection] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.11.28} (¥3.900) - 1.633 / 14.017
- 694. [PS4] Astria Ascending # (3goo) {2021.10.07} (¥4.980) - 1.632 / NEW
- 695. [NSW] My Hero: One's Justice 2 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.03.12} (¥7.600) - 1.617 / 44.229
- 696. [PS4] Sengoku Koihime: Otome Kenran Sengoku Emaki # (Entergram) {2021.07.21} (¥7.590) - 1.610 / NEW
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К меню
[697 - 737]
- 697. [NSW] Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2018.09.27} (¥6.980) - 1.605 / 9.225
- 698. [NSW] Prinny 1-2: Exploded and Reloaded <Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? \ Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!> # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2020.11.12} (¥3.980) - 1.603 / 4.377
- 699. [NSW] Bakumatsu Renka: Shinsengumi # (D3Publisher) {2021.06.17} (¥4.800) - 1.595 / NEW
- 700. [NSW] Summer in Mara # (Pikii) {2021.08.26} (¥4.527) - 1.592 / NEW
- 701. [PS4] Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi with Power-Up Kit # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.02.14} (¥9.800) - 1.588 / 27.952
- 702. [PS4] Balan Wonderworld # (Square Enix) {2021.03.26} (¥6.980) - 1.577 / NEW
- 703. [PS4] Mafia: Trilogy <Mafia: Definitive Edition \ Mafia II: Definitive Edition \ Mafia III: Definitive Edition> # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.09.25} (¥6.800) - 1.576 / 11.178
- 704. [NSW] The House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition # (Dramatic Create) {2021.03.25} (¥6.900) - 1.570 / NEW
- 705. [NSW] Jump King # (Pikii) {2020.12.17} (¥3.500) - 1.566 / 1.956 (269 <14,81%>)
- 706. [NSW] Earth Defense Force: World Brothers Double Purchase Pack {Earth Defense Force: World Brothers x 2} # (D3Publisher) {2020.12.24} (¥9.980) - 1.565 / 5.107
- 707. [PS4] Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.08.27} (¥7.600) - 1.564 / 28.315
- 708. [PS4] Samurai Warriors 4 DX # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.03.14} (¥5.800) - 1.553 / 20.255
- 709. [PS4] Black Desert: Prestige Edition # (H2 Interactive) {2020.11.19} (¥3.980) - 1.552 / 2.105 (227 <14,74%>)
- 710. [NSW] Touhou Sky Arena: Matsuri Climax # (Mediascape) {2020.02.27} (¥3.900) - 1.551 / 7.565
- 711. [NSW] Honkaku AI Tousai Table Games: Texas Hold 'em Poker, Mahjong, Chess, Daifugo <Be a Poker Champion! Texas Hold 'em \ Honkaku AI Tousai: Ginsei Mahjong \ Ginsei Chess \ Honkaku AI Tousai: Daifugo> # (SilverStar) {2021.04.08} (¥3.200) - 1.550 / NEW
- 712. [PS5] Overcooked! All You Can Eat <Overcooked! \ Overcooked! 2> # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.12.17} (¥5.180) - 1.549 / 1.878 (173 <12,86%>)
- 713. [PS4] F1 2020 # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.09.24} (¥7.680) - 1.542 / 13.397
- 714. [NSW] Kin'iro Loveriche # (Entergram) {2021.02.25} (¥6.000) - 1.539 / NEW
- 715. [PS4] Riders Republic # (Ubisoft) {2021.10.28} (¥8.400) - 1.533 / NEW
- 716. [PS4] Ride 4 # (EXNOA) {2020.11.26} (¥7.980) - 1.532 / 4.071
- 717. [PS4] DiRT 5 # (Koch Media) {2021.08.05} (¥7.980) - 1.528 / NEW
- 718. [NSW] Kin'iro Loveriche: Golden Time # (Entergram) {2021.02.25} (¥6.000) - 1.522 / NEW
- 719. [NSW] Earth Defense Force: World Brothers [D3P the Best] # (D3Publisher) {2021.12.16} (¥3.618) - 1.513 / NEW
- 720. [PS4] Nioh [PlayStation Hits] # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.08.08} (¥1.990) - 1.501 / 21.506
- 721. [NSW] Tokeijikake no Ley Line: Kagerou ni Samayou Majo # (Dramatic Create) {2021.03.25} (¥7.400) - 1.498 / NEW
- 722. [NSW] Clockwork Aquario # (ININ Games) {2021.11.30} (¥3.980) - 1.496 / NEW
- 723. [PS4] F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch # (Game Source Entertainment) {2021.09.23} (¥3.480) - 1.493 / NEW
- 724. [PS4] Neptunia Virtual Stars # (Compile Heart) {2020.08.06} (¥7.600) - 1.492 / 15.559
- 725. [PS4] Observer: System Redux # (Natsume Atari) {2021.07.08} (¥4.990) - 1.486 / NEW
- 726. [NSW] Just Dance 2020 # (Ubisoft) {2020.03.12} (¥5.800) - 1.486 / 43.487
- 727. [NSW] Mad Rat Dead # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2020.10.29} (¥6.980) - 1.482 / 4.991
- 728. [PS4] Saints Row: The Third Remastered # (EXNOA) {2020.10.29} (¥4.800) - 1.482 / 5.628
- 729. [PS4] Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.01.16} (¥7.600) - 1.474 / 167.490
- 730. [NSW] Atelier Arland Series: Deluxe Pack {Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland DX \ Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland DX \ Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland DX} # (Koei Tecmo) {2018.09.20} (¥13.800) - 1.473 / 9.440
- 731. [NSW] Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time # (EXNOA) {2021.01.21} (¥4.980) - 1.470 / NEW
- 732. [NSW] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen # (Capcom) {2019.04.25} (¥3.990) - 1.468 / 31.066
- 733. [NSW] Dead by Daylight: 5th Anniversary Edition # (3goo) {2021.11.25} (¥4.900) - 1.463 / NEW
- 734. [PS4] Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin <Dark Souls II \ Dark Souls II: Crown of the Sunken King \ Dark Souls II: Crown of the Old Iron King \ Dark Souls II: Crown of the Ivory King> # (From Software) {2015.04.09} (¥5.520) - 1.462 / 75.645
- 735. [NSW] Hashihime of the Old Book Town Append # (Dramatic Create) {2021.12.16} (¥6.900) - 1.459 / NEW
- 736. [NSW] Fight of Gods # (Cosen) {2020.12.24} (¥2.700) - 1.455 / 1.916 (285 <27,33%>)
- 737. [PS4] King's Bounty II # (Koch Media) {2021.08.24} (¥6.480) - 1.452 / NEW
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К меню
[738 - 776]
- 738. [NSW] Atomicrops # (DMM Games) {2020.09.17} (¥2.980) - 1.445 / 2.356
- 739. [PS4] They Are Billions # (Spike Chunsoft) {2020.08.20} (¥3.800) - 1.443 / 9.200
- 740. [NSW] King's Bounty II # (Koch Media) {2021.08.24} (¥6.480) - 1.437 / NEW
- 741. [NSW] King's Bounty II [Special Price] # (Sega) {2015.11.19} (¥3.490) - 1.435 / 36.778
- 742. [NSW] Medabots Classics Plus: Advanced Edition {Medabots: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 2: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 3: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 4: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 5: Susutake Mura no Tenkousei - Metabee Ver. \ Medabots Navi: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots AX: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots Nii Core: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 2: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 3: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 4: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 5: Susutake Mura no Tenkousei - Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots Navi: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots AX: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots Nii Core: Rokusho Ver.} # (Imagineer) {2020.11.12} (¥13.800) - 1.430 / 13.223 (8.527 <67,57%>)
- 743. [PS4] MotoGP 21 # (EXNOA) {2021.05.13} (¥7.980) - 1.429 / NEW
- 744. [NSW] Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 7 # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.06.18} (¥7.800) - 1.427 / 21.765
- 745. [NSW] The Ryuo's Work is Never Done! # (Entergram) {2020.12.17} (¥7.000) - 1.420 / 3.652
- 746. [NSW] Medabots Classics Plus: Metabee Ver. <Medabots: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 2: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 3: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 4: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots 5: Susutake Mura no Tenkousei - Metabee Ver. \ Medabots Navi: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots AX: Metabee Ver. \ Medabots Nii Core: Metabee Ver.> # (Imagineer) {2020.11.12} (¥4.980) - 1.419 / 8.373 (3.714 <46,74%>)
- 747. [NSW] Gendai Daisenryaku 2020: Yureru Sekai Chitsujo! Taikoku no Yabou to Sekai Taisen # (SystemSoft Alpha) {2021.06.24} (¥6.980) - 1.414 / NEW
- 748. [NSW] Team Sonic Racing [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2020.10.22} (¥2.900) - 1.411 / 2.028 (132 <12,02%>)
- 749. [PS4] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana [Super Price] # (Nihon Falcom) {2019.06.20} (¥4.800) - 1.411 / 15.953
- 750. [PS4] Kin'iro Loveriche: Golden Time # (Entergram) {2021.02.25} (¥6.000) - 1.410 / NEW
- 751. [PS5] void tRrLM;++ver; //Void Terrarium Plus # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.02.18} (¥6.980) - 1.409 / NEW
- 752. [PS4] Ganso Minna de Spelunker # (Tozai Games) {2021.07.15} (¥3.000) - 1.408 / NEW
- 753. [PS4] Undertale # (8-4) {2018.05.24} (¥4.000) - 1.405 / 15.236
- 754. [NSW] Kami-sama no You na Kimi e # (Entergram) {2021.08.26} (¥7.980) - 1.405 / NEW
- 755. [NSW] Collection of Mana <Final Fantasy Adventure \ Secret of Mana \ Trials of Mana> # (Square Enix) {2017.06.01} (¥4.800) - 1.403 / 65.991
- 756. [PS5] Riders Republic # (Ubisoft) {2021.10.28} (¥8.400) - 1.402 / NEW
- 757. [PS4] Ai Kiss 2 # (Entergram) {2021.03.25} (¥6.980) - 1.400 / NEW
- 758. [PS4] Deeeer Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game # (Playism) {2021.11.25} (¥3.618) - 1.395 / NEW
- 759. [NSW] Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.04.04} (¥6.800) - 1.381 / 161.886
- 760. [NSW] Space Invaders: Invincible Collection - Special Edition <Space Invaders \ Space Invaders Deluxe \ Super Space Invaders '91 \ Space Invaders Extreme \ Space Invaders Gigamax \ Lunar Rescue \ Space Cyclone \ Space Invaders DX \ Arkanoid Vs. Space Invaders> # (Taito) {2021.07.29} (¥5.200) - 1.379 / NEW
- 761. [NSW] Sakura no Kumo Scarlet no Koi # (Entergram) {2021.12.23} (¥7.480) - 1.373 / NEW
- 762. [NSW] Super Robot Wars V # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.10.03} (¥7.600) - 1.365 / 15.120
- 763. [PS4] Vampyr # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.12.24} (¥7.480) - 1.364 / 3.079
- 764. [NSW] Tetsudou Nippon! Rosen Tabi: Sangi Tetsudou-hen # (Sonic Powered) {2021.12.23} (¥6.980) - 1.355 / NEW
- 765. [PS4] Bayonetta & Vanquish <Bayonetta \ Vanquish> # (Sega) {2020.05.28} (¥3.990) - 1.346 / 20.511
- 766. [3DS] Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth # (Atlus) {2018.11.29} (¥6.980) - 1.343 / 138.787
- 767. [PS4] Project Cars 3 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.09.10} (¥7.600) - 1.343 / 6.888
- 768. [PS5] Fortnite: Minty Legends Pack # (Epic Games) {2021.11.02} (¥3.000) - 1.338 / NEW
- 769. [NSW] Sea of Solitude: The Director's Cut # (Beep Japan) {2021.03.25} (¥3.164) - 1.336 / NEW
- 770. [PS4] Death Stranding # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.11.08} (¥6.900) - 1.328 / 325.034
- 771. [PS4] Predator: Hunting Grounds # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.04.24} (¥4.900) - 1.327 / 20.083
- 772. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure # (Nihon Falcom) {2020.05.28} (¥3.980) - 1.324 / 23.366
- 773. [PS4] Puyo Puyo Champions # (Sega) {2019.06.27} (¥1.990) - 1.324 / 11.638
- 774. [PS4] Death Come True # (Izanagi Games) {2020.11.12} (¥3.800) - 1.312 / 2.869
- 775. [NSW] Memories Off Historia Vol.2 <Memories Off 5: Togireta Film \ Memories Off 6: T-Wave \ Memories Off: Yubikiri no Kioku> # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥5.800) - 1.309 / NEW
- 776. [NSW] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.04.23} (¥6.680) - 1.309 / 23.407
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К меню
[777 - 816]
- 777. [NSW] Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch # (Level 5) {2019.09.20} (¥5.500) - 1.306 / 29.487
- 778. [NSW] The Wanderer: Frankenstein's Creature # (Cosen) {2021.05.20} (¥4.400) - 1.305 / NEW
- 779. [NSW] Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! # (Entergram) {2021.08.26} (¥5.980) - 1.303 / NEW
- 780. [NSW] Mary Skelter Finale # (Compile Heart) {2020.11.05} (¥7.600) - 1.303 / 7.337
- 781. [NSW] Doraemon: Nobita no Shin Kyouryuu # (FuRyu) {2020.03.05} (¥5.980) - 1.303 / 23.353
- 782. [PS4] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - Year 5 Deluxe Edition # (Ubisoft) {2020.04.09} (¥3.600) - 1.296 / 10.678
- 783. [NSW] Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia # (Happinet) {2020.06.25} (¥7.200) - 1.293 / 30.486
- 784. [NSW] Sonic Forces [New Price Edition] # (Sega) {2019.11.21} (¥2.990) - 1.287 / 4.165
- 785. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero # (Nihon Falcom) {2020.04.23} (¥3.980) - 1.286 / 25.054
- 786. [NSW] NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol.1 <Neo Turf Masters \ Dark Arms: Beast Buster 1999 \ Fatal Fury: First Contact \ The King of Fighters R-2 \ The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny \ Metal Slug: 1st Mission \ Metal Slug: 2nd Mission \ Samurai Shodown! 2 \ SNK Gals' Fighters \ SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium> # (SNK) {2021.08.26} (¥4.527) - 1.285 / NEW
- 787. [NSW] Yo-kai Watch 1 for Nintendo Switch # (Level 5) {2019.10.10} (¥4.980) - 1.283 / 27.579
- 788. [PS4] Devil May Cry 5 [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2019.12.13} (¥3.990) - 1.283 / 12.064
- 789. [PS5] Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2021.04.22} (¥5.980) - 1.280 / NEW
- 790. [NSW] Diabolik Lovers: Grand Edition for Nintendo Switch <Diabolik Lovers: Limited V Edition \ Diabolik Lovers: More, Blood - Limited V Edition> # (Idea Factory) {2019.11.21} (¥6.800) - 1.279 / 4.515
- 791. [NSW] One Step From Eden # (Flyhigh Works) {2021.02.25} (¥3.600) - 1.276 / NEW
- 792. [NSW] Puru-Chara Friends: Hoppechan to Sanrio Characters # (Neos) {2019.07.11} (¥4.800) - 1.268 / 10.798
- 793. [PS4] Street Fighter V [Best Price] # (Capcom) {2019.03.28} (¥1.990) - 1.266 / 19.566
- 794. [NSW] The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa & Arrest of a Stone Buddha <The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa \ Arrest of a Stone Buddha> # (Flyhigh Works) {2021.01.28} (¥3.600) - 1.264 / NEW
- 795. [NSW] Azur Lane: Crosswave # (Compile Heart) {2020.09.17} (¥7.800) - 1.264 / 12.987
- 796. [PS5] Chivalry II # (Deep Silver) {2021.06.24} (¥5.480) - 1.263 / NEW
- 797. [NSW] Memories Off Historia Vol.1 <Memories Off \ Memories Off 2nd \ Memories Off: Sorekara \ Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off> # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥5.800) - 1.261 / NEW
- 798. [NSW] Construction Simulator 2 & 3 Double Pack <Construction Simulator 2: Console Edition \ Construction Simulator 3: Console Edition> # (3goo) {2020.11.05} (¥4.600) - 1.257 / 3.341
- 799. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX <Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX <Kingdom Hearts \ Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories> \ Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX <Kingdom Hearts II \ Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ \ Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep>> # (Square Enix) {2017.03.09} (¥6.800) - 1.253 / 264.741
- 800. [PS4] FIFA 20 [EA Best Hits] # (Electronic Arts) {2020.06.25} (¥2.800) - 1.241 / 5.692
- 801. [PS4] God of War III Remastered [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.06.27} (¥1.990) - 1.237 / 4.777
- 802. [NSW] Cupid Parasite # (Idea Factory) {2020.08.20} (¥6.500) - 1.235 / 7.211
- 803. [NSW] Yoshiwara Higanbana Kuon no Chigiri # (Prototype) {2018.12.20} (¥6.400) - 1.234 / 4.473
- 804. [PS4] Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi # (Experience) {2020.10.15} (¥7.800) - 1.231 / 5.946
- 805. [PS4] Blaster Master Zero Trilogy: MetaFight Chronicle <Blaster Master Zero \ Blaster Master Zero II \ Blaster Master Zero III> # (Inti Creates) {2021.07.29} (¥5.980) - 1.230 / NEW
- 806. [NSW] Island # (Prototype) {2021.04.08} (¥5.900) - 1.228 / NEW
- 807. [XBS] Halo Infinite # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2021.12.09} (¥6.900) - 1.227 / NEW
- 808. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Drive Kit # (Nintendo) {2018.09.14} (¥6.980) - 1.219 / 92.922
- 809. [NSW] Full Kiss SS # (Entergram) {2021.10.28} (¥7.980) - 1.218 / NEW
- 810. [NSW] Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison # (Entergram) {2020.12.17} (¥4.000) - 1.215 / 2.443
- 811. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II - Relentless Edition # (Nihon Falcom) {2018.04.26} (¥3.980) - 1.212 / 31.387
- 812. [PS5] Terminator: Resistance Enhanced # (Reef Entertainment) {2021.05.27} (¥5.980) - 1.212 / NEW
- 813. [PS4] Memories Off Historia Vol.1 <Memories Off \ Memories Off 2nd \ Memories Off: Sorekara \ Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off> # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥5.800) - 1.209 / NEW
- 814. [NSW] Fuyu Kiss # (Entergram) {2021.11.25} (¥7.980) - 1.207 / NEW
- 815. [NSW] Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night # (Game Source Entertainment) {2019.10.24} (¥5.480) - 1.205 / 16.452
- 816. [PS4] Final Fantasy XV # (Square Enix) {2016.11.29} (¥8.800) - 1.198 / 1.024.294
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[817 - 854]
- 817. [NSW] LEGO City Undercover # (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2017.06.29} (¥5.700) - 1.198 / 35.930
- 818. [PS4] Stellaris: Console Edition # (DMM Games) {2020.08.27} (¥5.800) - 1.187 / 7.608
- 819. [PS4] Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair [PlayStation Hits] # (D3Publisher) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 1.186 / 17.704
- 820. [PS4] Tekken 7 [Welcome Price!!] # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2018.09.06} (¥4.000) - 1.184 / 16.929
- 821. [PS4] Asatsugutori # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.11.25} (¥6.980) - 1.182 / NEW
- 822. [PS4] The Ryuo's Work is Never Done! # (Entergram) {2020.12.17} (¥7.000) - 1.179 / 2.524
- 823. [PS5] F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch # (Game Source Entertainment) {2021.09.23} (¥3.480) - 1.179 / NEW
- 824. [PS4] Naruhodou Legends Collection {Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy <Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations> \ The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles <The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures \ The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve>} # (Capcom) {2021.07.29} (¥6.990) - 1.175 / NEW
- 825. [NSW] Medabots Classics Plus: Rokusho Ver. <Medabots: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 2: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 3: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 4: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots 5: Susutake Mura no Tenkousei - Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots Navi: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots AX: Rokusho Ver. \ Medabots Nii Core: Rokusho Ver.> # (Imagineer) {2020.11.12} (¥4.980) - 1.175 / 6.119 (2.663 <40,08%>)
- 826. [PS4] Citadel: Forged with Fire # (Spike Chunsoft) {2019.12.05} (¥6.800) - 1.173 / 23.907
- 827. [PS4] Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle <Armored Warriors \ Knights of the Round \ The King of Dragons \ Final Fight \ Captain Commando \ Warriors of Fate \ Battle Circuit> # (Capcom) {2018.12.06} (¥3.300) - 1.172 / 25.286
- 828. [PS4] Blair Witch # (Natsume Atari) {2020.07.09} (¥4.800) - 1.172 / 6.249
- 829. [NSW] Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection <Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag \ Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered> # (Ubisoft) {2019.12.06} (¥6.000) - 1.171 / 8.115
- 830. [PS4] Trials of Mana # (Square Enix) {2020.04.24} (¥5.980) - 1.169 / 157.498
- 831. [NSW] Little Busters! Converted Edition # (Prototype) {2020.04.23} (¥5.500) - 1.163 / 5.222
- 832. [PS4] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.10.25} (¥7.900) - 1.155 / 250.104
- 833. [PS5] Control: Ultimate Edition <Control \ Control: The Foundation \ Control: AWE> # (Marvelous) {2021.07.15} (¥4.980) - 1.154 / NEW
- 834. [PS4] Sakura Wars # (Sega) {2019.12.12} (¥8.800) - 1.138 / 191.942
- 835. [NSW] The World Ends with You: Final Remix # (Square Enix) {2018.09.27} (¥4.800) - 1.131 / 28.730
- 836. [PS5] MLB The Show 21 - English Edition # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2021.04.20} (¥6.900) - 1.130 / NEW
- 837. [NSW] Mega Man X Legacy Collection <Mega Man X \ Mega Man X2 \ Mega Man X3 \ Mega Man X4> # (Capcom) {2018.07.26} (¥3.300) - 1.124 / 13.292
- 838. [PS4] Disciples: Liberation # (Kalypso Media Japan) {2021.11.25} (¥6.980) - 1.122 / NEW
- 839. [PS4] Life Is Strange # (Square Enix) {2016.03.03} (¥4.444) - 1.120 / 59.462
- 840. [PS4] Ninja JaJaMaru Collection <Ninja JaJaMaru-Kun \ JaJaMaru no Daibouken \ JaJaMaru Ninpou Chou \ JaJaMaru Gekimaden: Maboroshi no Kinmajou \ Ninja JaJaMaru: Ginga Daisakusen \ Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle> # (City Connection) {2021.05.20} (¥4.200) - 1.120 / NEW
- 841. [PS4] Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience {Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes \ Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain} # (Konami) {2016.11.10} (¥3.980) - 1.118 / 57.610
- 842. [PS4] Code Vein # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.09.26} (¥8.200) - 1.115 / 111.182
- 843. [NSW] Streets of Rage 4 # (3goo) {2020.07.30} (¥4.600) - 1.114 / 5.098
- 844. [PS5] Observer: System Redux # (Natsume Atari) {2021.07.08} (¥4.990) - 1.109 / NEW
- 845. [PS4] Jinki Resurrection # (Entergram) {2021.02.25} (¥6.600) - 1.107 / NEW
- 846. [PS4] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - Year 6 Deluxe Edition # (Ubisoft) {2021.03.18} (¥3.600) - 1.106 / NEW
- 847. [NSW] Sangoku Rensenki: Otome no Heihou! # (Prototype) {2018.11.22} (¥6.400) - 1.101 / 4.404
- 848. [NSW] Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom # (Arc System Works) {2020.08.06} (¥4.500) - 1.101 / 2.290
- 849. [NSW] Giraffe and Annika # (Playism) {2020.08.27} (¥3.980) - 1.097 / 3.941
- 850. [PS4] Control: Ultimate Edition <Control \ Control: The Foundation \ Control: AWE> # (Marvelous) {2021.07.15} (¥4.980) - 1.096 / NEW
- 851. [3DS] Puyo Puyo Tetris [Special Price] # (Sega) {2015.11.19} (¥2.990) - 1.094 / 49.664
- 852. [NSW] Yo-kai Watch 4 # (Level 5) {2019.06.20} (¥5.980) - 1.093 / 286.676
- 853. [NSW] Devil May Cry Triple Pack <Devil May Cry \ Devil May Cry 2 \ Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition> # (Capcom) {2020.02.20} (¥4.990) - 1.091 / 10.594
- 854. [NSW] Miyamoto Sansuu Kyoushitsu: Kashikoku Naru Puzzle Taizen # (Mages.) {2021.09.30} (¥3.800) - 1.089 / NEW
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К меню
[855 - 894]
- 855. [NSW] Kowloon High-School Chronicle # (Arc System Works) {2020.06.04} (¥5.800) - 1.086 / 19.337
- 856. [PS4] A-Train Express+ # (Artdink) {2019.11.14} (¥7.800) - 1.085 / 9.022
- 857. [NSW] Kochira, Haha Naru Hoshi Yori # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.10.28} (¥6.980) - 1.082 / NEW
- 858. [PS4] Kandagawa Jet Girls # (Marvelous) {2020.01.16} (¥7.980) - 1.079 / 12.235
- 859. [3DS] Luigi's Mansion # (Nintendo) {2018.11.08} (¥4.980) - 1.072 / 111.912
- 860. [PS4] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen # (Capcom) {2017.10.05} (¥3.990) - 1.071 / 27.403
- 861. [NSW] Taishou x Alice: All in One <Taishou x Alice Episode 1 \ Taishou x Alice Episode 2 \ Taishou x Alice Episode 3 \ Taishou x Alice Epilogue> # (Prototype) {2019.04.18} (¥6.500) - 1.070 / 4.612
- 862. [PS5] Balan Wonderworld # (Square Enix) {2021.03.26} (¥6.980) - 1.064 / NEW
- 863. [NSW] Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories # (Granzella) {2019.09.26} (¥6.480) - 1.063 / 7.994
- 864. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki # (Level 5) {2016.12.15} (¥4.800) - 1.059 / 789.719
- 865. [PS4] Danganronpa 1 + 2 Reload <Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc \ Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair> # (Spike Chunsoft) {2017.05.18} (¥3.800) - 1.052 / 16.050
- 866. [PS4] Tales of Berseria [Welcome Price!!] # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2017.06.01} (¥3.800) - 1.050 / 21.781
- 867. [PS4] Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts # (H2 Interactive) {2020.03.26} (¥5.800) - 1.047 / 20.945
- 868. [PS4] Shing! # (Natsume Atari) {2021.01.21} (¥3.800) - 1.043 / NEW
- 869. [PS4] Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir [New Price Edition Campaign Pack with 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - Prologue] # (Atlus) {2019.03.14} (¥3.980) - 1.042 / 8.056
- 870. [PS4] Kemco RPG Selection Vol.6 <Asdivine Kamura \ Alphadia Genesis \ Liege Dragon \ Dragon Lapis> # (Kemco) {2021.02.25} (¥3.182) - 1.040 / NEW
- 871. [PS4] Date A Live: Ren Dystopia # (Compile Heart) {2020.09.24} (¥7.200) - 1.039 / 4.974
- 872. [PS4] Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint # (Ubisoft) {2019.10.04} (¥8.400) - 1.038 / 92.607
- 873. [NSW] Super Real Mahjong Love 2-7! <Super Real Mahjong: Graffiti \ Super Real Mahjong P V \ Super Real Mahjong P VI \ Super Real Mahjong P VII> # (City Connection) {2020.04.23} (¥5.980) - 1.036 / 12.367
- 874. [NSW] Sniper Elite III: Ultimate Edition # (Game Source Entertainment) {2019.12.19} (¥4.380) - 1.033 / 6.427
- 875. [PS4] Memories Off Historia Vol.2 <Memories Off 5: Togireta Film \ Memories Off 6: T-Wave \ Memories Off: Yubikiri no Kioku> # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥5.800) - 1.033 / NEW
- 876. [3DS] Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 # (Atlus) {2017.08.31} (¥6.480) - 1.029 / 67.591
- 877. [NSW] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Syukufuku wo! Kibou no Meikyuu to Tsudoishi Boukenshatachi Plus # (Entergram) {2020.08.27} (¥6.000) - 1.024 / 6.009
- 878. [PS4] Shadow of the Colossus [Value Selection] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2019.04.11} (¥2.900) - 1.024 / 6.911
- 879. [PS4] WRC 9: FIA World Rally Championship # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2021.09.30} (¥4.980) - 1.024 / NEW
- 880. [NSW] Parfait Remake # (Entergram) {2021.11.25} (¥6.980) - 1.018 / NEW
- 881. [NSW] Shantae and the Seven Sirens # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2020.10.29} (¥5.480) - 1.017 / 4.658
- 882. [PS4] The Evil Within 2 # (Bethesda Softworks) {2017.10.19} (¥7.980) - 1.012 / 96.992
- 883. [NSW] Asonde Igo ga Tsuyokunaru! Ginsei Igo DX # (SilverStar) {2018.12.13} (¥4.800) - 1.012 / 3.724
- 884. [PS4] Assassin's Creed: Origins - Deluxe Edition # (Ubisoft) {2019.07.11} (¥4.480) - 1.006 / 15.446
- 885. [PS4] Assetto Corsa: Competizione # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2020.09.24} (¥6.480) - 1.005 / 4.751
- 886. [NSW] Memories Off Historia Limited Edition {Memories Off Historia Vol.1 <Memories Off \ Memories Off 2nd \ Memories Off: Sorekara \ Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off> \ Memories Off Historia Vol.2 <Memories Off 5: Togireta Film \ Memories Off 6: T-Wave \ Memories Off: Yubikiri no Kioku>} # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥23.800) - 1.003 / NEW
- 887. [NSW] Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy - Deluxe Edition # (Level 5) {2018.08.09} (¥5.980) - 998 / 42.313
- 888. [PS4] Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session! # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2017.10.26} (¥6.100) - 998 / 118.226
- 889. [NSW] Kin'iro Loveriche: Golden Time - Golden Set {Kin'iro Loveriche \ Kin'iro Loveriche: Golden Time} # (Entergram) {2021.02.25} (¥10.000) - 996 / NEW
- 890. [PS4] Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison # (Entergram) {2020.12.17} (¥4.000) - 995 / 1.830
- 891. [PS4] Battlefield 4 [PlayStation Hits] # (Electronic Arts) {2018.08.30} (¥1.990) - 994 / 12.594
- 892. [PS4] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy <Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All \ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations> # (Capcom) {2019.02.21} (¥3.300) - 991 / 13.437
- 893. [PS4] Yuoni # (Chorus Worldwide) {2021.08.19} (¥2.980) - 991 / NEW
- 894. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III [Super Price] # (Nihon Falcom) {2020.10.29} (¥3.980) - 991 / 4.227
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К меню
[895 - 940]
- 895. [PS4] Hamidashi Creative # (iMel) {2021.06.24} (¥4.980) - 987 / NEW
- 896. [PS4] Death end re;Quest 2 # (Compile Heart) {2020.02.13} (¥7.600) - 980 / 14.224
- 897. [NSW] Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition # (Prototype) {2020.09.10} (¥4.100) - 979 / 2.695
- 898. [PS4] Ys Origin # (3goo) {2020.10.01} (¥5.800) - 975 / 6.785
- 899. [PS5] Farming Simulator 22 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.11.25} (¥5.980) - 974 / NEW
- 900. [NSW] Daemon X Machina # (Marvelous) {2019.09.13} (¥7.800) - 969 / 66.164
- 901. [PS4] Tetsudou Nippon! Rosen Tabi: Eizan Densha-hen # (Sonic Powered) {2020.12.10} (¥7.200) - 964 / 2.379
- 902. [PS4] Nioh 2 # (Koei Tecmo) {2020.03.12} (¥7.800) - 963 / 167.665
- 903. [NSW] Liberated # (EXNOA) {2021.05.27} (¥3.980) - 959 / NEW
- 904. [NSW] Moonlighter # (Teyon Japan) {2020.11.26} (¥3.500) - 959 / 2.334
- 905. [NSW] Super Robot Wars X # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.01.10} (¥7.600) - 956 / 10.608
- 906. [NSW] Jang-Navi Mahjong Online # (Winlight) {2018.11.29} (¥2.800) - 956 / 4.404
- 907. [PS4] Samurai Shodown # (SNK) {2019.06.27} (¥7.200) - 955 / 25.144
- 908. [PS4] Yo-kai Watch Jam: Y School Heroes - Bustlin' School Life # (Level 5) {2020.12.17} (¥4.364) - 955 / 2.942
- 909. [PS4] Children of Morta # (EXNOA) {2020.12.17} (¥3.980) - 954 / 1.664
- 910. [NSW] Hollow Knight <Hollow Knight \ Hollow Knight: Godmaster> # (Fangamer) {2019.12.12} (¥4.000) - 953 / 5.225
- 911. [NSW] Hakuoki: Shinkai - Ginsei no Shou # (Idea Factory) {2020.07.30} (¥6.500) - 950 / 6.675
- 912. [PS4] Ys IX: Monstrum Nox # (Nihon Falcom) {2019.09.26} (¥7.800) - 949 / 80.846
- 913. [PS4] My Hero: One's Justice 2 # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2020.03.12} (¥7.600) - 949 / 13.906
- 914. [NSW] Uta no Prince-Sama: Repeat Love for Nintendo Switch # (Broccoli) {2019.12.19} (¥5.800) - 946 / 9.900
- 915. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts III # (Square Enix) {2019.01.25} (¥8.800) - 945 / 848.397
- 916. [PS4] Robotics;Notes Dash # (5pb.) {2019.01.31} (¥7.800) - 945 / 8.635 (3.943 <47,34%>)
- 917. [NSW] Hot Wheels Unleashed # (Koch Media) {2021.09.30} (¥5.480) - 941 / NEW
- 918. [NSW] Cafe Enchante # (Idea Factory) {2019.10.10} (¥6.300) - 938 / 6.720
- 919. [PS4] Memories Off Historia Limited Edition {Memories Off Historia Vol.1 <Memories Off \ Memories Off 2nd \ Memories Off: Sorekara \ Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off> \ Memories Off Historia Vol.2 <Memories Off 5: Togireta Film \ Memories Off 6: T-Wave \ Memories Off: Yubikiri no Kioku>} # (Mages.) {2021.03.25} (¥23.800) - 938 / NEW
- 920. [PS4] Streets of Rage 4 # (3goo) {2020.07.30} (¥4.600) - 937 / 3.995
- 921. [NSW] Darius Cozmic Collection <Darius \ Darius II \ Darius α \ Darius Twin \ Darius Force \ Darius Gaiden> # (Taito) {2019.02.28} (¥5.200) - 936 / 15.253
- 922. [PS4] Remnant: From the Ashes # (DMM Games) {2020.06.25} (¥4.980) - 936 / 27.755
- 923. [PS4] Devil May Cry HD Collection <Devil May Cry \ Devil May Cry 2 \ Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition> # (Capcom) {2018.03.15} (¥3.990) - 933 / 35.88
- 924. [PS4] Terminator: Resistance # (Reef Entertainment) {2020.08.27} (¥5.980) - 932 / 7.316
- 925. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Decisive Edition # (Nihon Falcom) {2018.03.08} (¥3.980) - 931 / 36.450
- 926. [NSW] The Falconeer: Warrior Edition # (3goo) {2021.08.05} (¥4.500) - 923 / NEW
- 927. [PS4] The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince [Best Price] # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2021.04.15} (¥3.980) - 922 / NEW
- 928. [NSW] RiMS Racing # (3goo) {2021.08.19} (¥5.800) - 921 / NEW
- 929. [NSW] Vampyr # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.12.24} (¥6.980) - 921 / 1.741
- 930. [NSW] Taishou x Alice: Heads & Tails # (Prototype) {2020.10.29} (¥5.400) - 916 / 2.249
- 931. [NSW] Rune Factory 4 Special # (Marvelous) {2019.07.25} (¥4.980) - 914 / 85.432
- 932. [PS4] Final Fantasy XIV: Complete Pack {Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn \ Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward \ Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers} # (Square Enix) {2019.07.02} (¥5.800) - 913 / 22.782
- 933. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV [Super Price] # (Nihon Falcom) {2020.10.29} (¥3.980) - 909 / 4.198
- 934. [PS4] Kemco RPG Selection Vol.7 <Asdivine Cross \ Alphadia Genesis 2 \ Ruinverse \ Chroma Quaternion> # (Kemco) {2021.07.15} (¥3.891) - 909 / NEW
- 935. [NSW] Uta no Prince-Sama: Amazing Aria & Sweet Serenade Love for Nintendo Switch <Uta no Prince-Sama: Amazing Aria \ Uta no Prince-Sama: Sweet Serenade> # (Broccoli) {2020.05.28} (¥5.800) - 908 / 6.584
- 936. [NSW] Asonde Shogi ga Tsuyokunaru! Ginsei Shogi DX # (SilverStar) {2017.12.14} (¥4.800) - 901 / 10.265
- 937. [NSW] SnowRunner # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2021.10.28} (¥6.800) - 898 / NEW
- 938. [NSW] Shin Hayarigami 1 + 2 Set <Shin Hayarigami \ Shin Hayarigami 2> # (Nippon Ichi Software) {2019.07.18} (¥4.980) - 895 / 4.566
- 939. [NSW] Ai Kiss # (Entergram) {2021.12.23} (¥5.980) - 894 / NEW
- 940. [PS4] Dead by Daylight: 5th Anniversary Edition # (3goo) {2021.11.25} (¥4.600) - 891 / NEW
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀К меню
[941 - 990]
- 941. [NSW] Zettai Kaikyuu Gakuen: Eden with Roses and Phantasm # (Prototype) {2019.12.19} (¥6.400) - 890 / 3.076
- 942. [XBS] Scarlet Nexus # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2021.06.24} (¥8.200) - 887 / NEW
- 943. [PS4] Life Is Strange 2 # (Square Enix) {2020.03.26} (¥4.980) - 886 / 14.271
- 944. [NSW] Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late cl-r # (Arc System Works) {2020.02.20} (¥4.800) - 884 / 2.808
- 945. [PS4] Until Dawn [PlayStation Hits] # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.11.21} (¥1.990) - 882 / 8.746
- 946. [NSW] Hardcore Mecha # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.10.15} (¥4.380) - 881 / 5.562
- 947. [PS4] Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back # (Taito) {2020.11.19} (¥4.800) - 880 / 2.135
- 948. [PS5] Port Royale 4 # (Kalypso Media Japan) {2021.09.02} (¥6.980) - 880 / NEW
- 949. [NSW] Synaptic Drive # (Yunuo Games) {2020.05.28} (¥3.980) - 878 / 3.277
- 950. [NSW] Burnout Paradise Remastered # (Electronic Arts) {2020.06.19} (¥5.000) - 876 / 6.028
- 951. [PS4] Eve: Rebirth Terror # (El Dia) {2019.04.25} (¥8.000) - 875 / 12.834
- 952. [NSW] Dungeon and Gravestone # (Wonderland Kazakiri) {2021.08.05} (¥3.980) - 875 / NEW
- 953. [NSW] Kagawa Aioi to Futari de Shogi # (SilverStar) {2021.03.25} (¥5.800) - 874 / NEW
- 954. [NSW] Oninaki # (Square Enix) {2019.08.22} (¥5.800) - 872 / 25.204
- 955. [PS4] Soul Calibur VI [Welcome Price!!] # (Bandai Namco Entertainment) {2019.11.28} (¥2.800) - 871 / 3.296
- 956. [NSW] The Wonderful 101: Remastered # (Platinum Games) {2020.06.11} (¥4.980) - 870 / 3.759
- 957. [NSW] World Neverland: Elnea Kingdom # (Althi) {2018.10.25} (¥4.600) - 869 / 6.572
- 958. [NSW] Super Street: Racer # (Kemco) {2019.11.14} (¥3.980) - 864 / 4.417
- 959. [NSW] Gal Gun 2 [Best] # (Inti Creates) {2020.11.19} (¥3.500) - 864 / 1.490
- 960. [NSW] Ultra Age # (Dangen Entertainment) {2021.10.07} (¥3.800) - 863 / NEW
- 961. [PS5] WRC 9: FIA World Rally Championship # (Oizumi Amuzio) {2021.09.30} (¥4.980) - 861 / NEW
- 962. [PS4] Sugar Style # (Entergram) {2021.06.24} (¥6.980) - 861 / NEW
- 963. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight # (Atlus) {2014.11.27} (¥5.980) - 860 / 94.810
- 964. [PS4] Ghost Parade # (FuRyu) {2020.10.15} (¥4.400) - 859 / 1.496
- 965. [NSW] Fight Crab # (Mastiff) {2020.08.20} (¥3.980) - 856 / 5.919
- 966. [PS4] PGA Tour 2K21 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2020.08.21} (¥7.000) - 850 / 3.158
- 967. [NSW] Dragon Quest Builders # (Square Enix) {2018.03.01} (¥4.800) - 850 / 84.756
- 968. [PS4] Renai, Karichaimashita # (Entergram) {2021.07.21} (¥6.980) - 850 / NEW
- 969. [NSW] Fight of Animals # (Digital Crafter) {2021.04.22} (¥3.800) - 850 / NEW
- 970. [NSW] Ruiner # (Kakehashi Games) {2020.09.17} (¥4.480) - 844 / 2.196
- 971. [PS4] Steins;Gate Elite # (5pb.) {2018.09.20} (¥7.800) - 842 / 23.748
- 972. [3DS] Pokemon Ultra Moon # (Pokemon Co.) {2017.11.17} (¥4.980) - 834 / 940.263
- 973. [NSW] Tetsudou Nippon! Rosen Tabi: Eizan Densha-hen # (Sonic Powered) {2019.11.28} (¥6.980) - 834 / 4.812
- 974. [NSW] Amnesia for Nintendo Switch # (Idea Factory) {2019.09.12} (¥6.300) - 832 / 3.503
- 975. [NSW] No Straight Roads # (Game Source Entertainment) {2020.08.27} (¥5.380) - 832 / 2.414
- 976. [3DS] Pokemon Ultra Sun # (Pokemon Co.) {2017.11.17} (¥4.980) - 830 / 969.602
- 977. [3DS] 7th Dragon III Code: VFD [Bargain Edition] # (Sega) {2016.11.22} (¥2.990) - 824 / 5.084
- 978. [3DS] Fire Emblem Warriors |New Nintendo 2DS/New Nintendo 3DS| # (Koei Tecmo) {2017.09.28} (¥6.800) - 823 / 40.800
- 979. [NSW] Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove # (Flyhigh Works) {2020.04.02} (¥3.600) - 820 / 3.140
- 980. [PS4] Need for Speed: Rivals [PlayStation Hits] # (Electronic Arts) {2018.08.30} (¥1.990) - 818 / 8.435
- 981. [PS4] Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! # (Entergram) {2021.08.26} (¥5.980) - 815 / NEW
- 982. [PS4] Marvel's Iron Man VR |PlayStation VR| # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2020.07.03} (¥4.900) - 812 / 11.068
- 983. [NSW] Indivisible # (Spike Chunsoft) {2020.07.16} (¥4.500) - 807 / 5.333
- 984. [PS4] Esp Ra.De. Ψ # (M2) {2019.12.19} (¥6.800) - 806 / 5.824
- 985. [NSW] Chou no Doku: Hana no Kusari - Taishou Tsuyakoi Ibun # (Prototype) {2020.02.20} (¥6.000) - 803 / 3.027
- 986. [NSW] Diabolik Lovers: Chaos Lineage # (Idea Factory) {2019.03.28} (¥6.300) - 800 / 5.478
- 987. [PS5] Just Dance 2021 # (Ubisoft) {2020.11.26} (¥5.800) - 799 / 1.040 (87 <8,85%>)
- 988. [NSW] Blair Witch # (Natsume Atari) {2020.07.09} (¥4.800) - 798 / 4.895
- 989. [PS4] Xuan-Yuan Sword VII # (Justdan International) {2020.12.10} (¥5.800) - 797 / 2.310
- 990. [PS4] Terraria # (Spike Chunsoft) {2015.02.19} (¥3.241) - 796 / 16.007
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[991 - 1000]
- 991. [NSW] Metal Max Xeno Reborn # (Kadokawa Games) {2020.09.10} (¥6.480) - 796 / 10.115
- 992. [PS4] Overcooked! All You Can Eat <Overcooked! \ Overcooked! 2> # (Game Source Entertainment) {2021.04.22} (¥4.180) - 793 / NEW
- 993. [PS4] Metal Max Xeno Reborn # (Kadokawa Games) {2020.09.10} (¥6.480) - 791 / 10.624
- 994. [PS5] Disciples: Liberation # (Kalypso Media Japan) {2021.11.25} (¥6.980) - 789 / NEW
- 995. [NSW] Flowers: Les Quatre Saisons <Flowers: Le volume sur printemps \ Flowers: Le volume sur ete \ Flowers: Le volume sur automne \ Flowers: Le volume sur hiver> # (Prototype) {2019.11.28} (¥7.800) - 788 / 2.768
- 996. [NSW] Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space <Citizens of Earth \ Citizens of Space> # (Kemco) {2021.01.28} (¥3.980) - 787 / NEW
- 997. [NSW] Food Girls # (Justdan International) {2020.11.26} (¥3.800) - 785 / 1.507
- 998. [PS4] Subnautica # (Playism) {2020.03.19} (¥4.280) - 783 / 10.285
- 999. [3DS] Metal Max 4: Moonlight Diva # (Kadokawa Games) {2013.11.07} (¥6.648) - 782 / 37.153
- 1000. [PS4] Yahari Game Demo Ore no Seishun Love-Kome wa Machigatteiru. & Zoku: Oatome Set <Yahari Game Demo Ore no Seishun Love-Kome wa Machigatteiru. \ Yahari Game Demo Ore no Seishun Love-Kome wa Machigatteiru. Zoku> # (5pb.) {2017.10.26} (¥7.800) - 777 / 10.385
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