«Я не знаю, каково быть азиатом, но это и не важно»: главное из интервью Гая Ричи об «Аладдине»

Об Уилле Смите и Робине Уильямсе, говорящих попугаях и расовых проблемах.

«Я не знаю, каково быть азиатом, но это и не важно»: главное из интервью Гая Ричи об «Аладдине»

Забавно тут то что никто на ДТФ и не думал критиковать Ричи за то что он не араб, а визжащие защитники уже набежали, придумали себе врага и храбро воюют с проклятыми СВЖ. Как просто манипулировать дурачками - достаточно провокативного заголовка ))))


так на дтф таких критиков раз два и обчелся, они обычно в других сегментах интернета обитают, так что ничего удивительного


Что? Это пересказ интервью - и в интервью Ричи прямо предъявляли претензии по этому поводу:

I do want to touch on the cultural sensitivity issues that surrounded the 1992 version when it came out, and what you’ve been looking at to address representation issues. I know Agrabah and these characters are from this fictional hybrid Middle Eastern/South Asian world, but when you’re doing live action and in 2018, these things are very closely scrutinized. So what were you looking at and what can we expect to see in terms of representation on this film?
Given that there’s such scrutiny of the filmmakers that are telling the stories of people and cultures of color and you are coming to this as a white, English director, was that something you were concerned about in taking on the story, or how did you feel like you can tackle this world?
I would like to chime in, I’m English and also I’m Indian, and this is something I definitely would have asked five years ago. In 1992 when Aladdin came out, this was a film that was one of the very, very few representations of the world of our ancestors, of our parents and where we came from, even if it was a hybrid Middle Eastern-South Asian world, and it became something that represented a lot of us. Now there’s an eye towards which filmmakers are making these kinds of stories. We have Ryan Coogler who directed Black Panther for Disney, Ava DuVernay handled A Wrinkle in Time with a black female lead — a lot of people are now looking to who’s helming these stories. That’s why I wanted to ask you that question, because this movie does represent certain cultures and ethnicities that have been quite often overlooked or lacked representation in Hollywood.