The methods used in teaching a child self-care are of utmost importance to avoid his feelings worthless because too many failures. Here are some general principles for helping him learn to dress, wash and toilet himself:
1. Know your child. Find out from his record and from his parents just what his level of development is and how he learns best.
2. See that the learning experience is a pleasant one. There are many ways to do this. One way is through a teacher's enthusiastic attitude, which has a wonderful effect upon trainable children.
3. Teach each skill the simplest way and in stages, one step at a time. Analyze each skill, breaking it down into very small steps. Try out different techniques with the children, studying their effectiveness. Teach the easiest part first.
4. Give the child ample time and opportunity to work on a new task.
5. Be consistent. If a child is expected to put his boots on one day, he should do so every day. (Make allowances, however, for days when he is not quite himself.)
6. There should be realistic motivation, whenever possible. (The child should button his wraps so he will be ready to go outdoors to play, rather than button two pieces of cloth together to please the teacher.)
7. Give encouragement and praise for real effort. Retarded children seem to need more adult approval than do other children.
8. Don't expect perfection. Mistakes and accidents are common when a child is learning. Perhaps he will have a tumble because he is trying to walk with two feet in one pant leg, or will spill the juice when serving himself, because he tries a quick method—from pitcher directly to mouth. Although mishaps like these cannot be ignored, they need not cause dismay. Neither does a teacher need to be too concerned if a child shows no progress in a self-care activity within a reasonable length of time. Drop the training for a while to avoid further frustration on the part of both teacher and pupil. Don't worry about such failure; there will be many things these children will not be able to learn in spite of the best efforts of the teacher and the child's desire to please.
9. Be flexible. If one method or technique does not work after an adequate trial, analyze the problem carefully. You may discover the source of the child's difficulty and a new approach may bring success.
интересная статья, но для людей которые увлекаются или делают головоломки, она бесполезна так тут все очевидно, вообщем я ничего нового в не нашел
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