
с 2023

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Yet despite the team’s impressive work on optimizing the game for weaker PCs and the limited Xbox 360 console, Valve ran into one major technical brick wall.

"I don’t think outside people can appreciate how broken the Left 4 Dead engine was but still shipped,” Faliszek admits. "It loaded each map two or three times in the background.” As the game approached its certification window, an engineer took it upon themselves to try and fix this issue. Their solution didn’t work: During nearly every session with the fix, “a survivor just disappeared.”

This was the primary reason Left 4 Dead 2 was pitched as a full, standalone sequel. "Left 4 Dead was such a broken thing that nobody wanted to touch it,” Faliszek says. "That game iterated so quickly that if it meant breaking something horrible, where you had to load a map [two] or three times but you could playtest it today, we did it. That meant at some point, you had to pay for that debt. There was no way you were going to support mods for Left 4 Dead in the same way we did for Left 4 Dead 2 without a big reset."


Mega Man Legends 1, 2 — такие себе Зельды в мире Мегамена. Мои любимые игры детства, но по продажам провалились. ;[

Всё так: на финальных картах часто запускают голосование за следующую кампанию. Справедливости ради, многие финалки не алё в плане баланса...

По типу видео с канала HS TOP? Увы, в Выживание я и не играю даже. ;[