Just Guy

с 2021
5 подписчиков
43 подписки

This count... I feel as if I'm looking at my future self. Mega bucks, big ass house, fast cars... Dining in style with a world class chef and a trusty nutritionist counting every calorie. A team of hot yoga instructors to keep me in shape. Nurses to attend to my body... Maids and loyal servants at my beck and call. On the weekends, tanned babes knocking on my door every two hours. Every day full of excitement and luxury. That'd be the life. Everything in its right place. It's the perfect life. It's the life for winners. That'll be my life! I thirst for selflessness. Hypocrites lusting for their own desires get killed by young rookies like me. This is how it goes down. And for the old killers? They'll croak anyway. I guess you can call this a comedy. I realize there's really nothing here for me. But what else can I do but keep going? Maybe I should have been a little more careful before I jumped in. Gotta find the exit. Gotta find that exit to Paradise. But, I can't see it. Can't see anything. There's this sense of doom running down my spine, like it's... Like it's trying to suck the life out of me. I need to get rid of it before I bail. Something deeper... Deeper than my instincts is taunting me. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit.

в посте

No More Heroes 3 и TSA - достойные игры Суды, хоть и по разным причинам


Нет, что-то на Хинди написано

Так этот наоборот - хуйню какую-то предлагает. Тупое безделье (героин из фильма) вместо осмысленного отдыха

Я не говорю про весь сюжет, где хуй знает сколько времени отложили на знакомство с Идзин-тё и его группировками, хотя и эти сегменты были сделаны не так уж и плохо; а про сюжетную линию Ичи, двух Аракав и Саваширо

в посте

Да они все геноцидницы какие-то или ванильные нейтралки

AC:DC - совсем попсятина, если сравнивать с другими бумерскими группами. Нет бы Дип Пёрпл или Пинк Флойд


This count... I feel as if I'm looking at my future self. Mega bucks, big ass house, fast cars... Dining in style with a world class chef and a trusty nutritionist counting every calorie. A team of hot yoga instructors to keep me in shape. Nurses to attend to my body... Maids and loyal servants at my beck and call. On the weekends, tanned babes knocking on my door every two hours. Every day full of excitement and luxury. That'd be the life. Everything in its right place. It's the perfect life. It's the life for winners. That'll be my life! I thirst for selflessness. Hypocrites lusting for their own desires get killed by young rookies like me. This is how it goes down. And for the old killers? They'll croak anyway. I guess you can call this a comedy. I realize there's really nothing here for me. But what else can I do but keep going? Maybe I should have been a little more careful before I jumped in. Gotta find the exit. Gotta find that exit to Paradise. But, I can't see it. Can't see anything. There's this sense of doom running down my spine, like it's... Like it's trying to suck the life out of me. I need to get rid of it before I bail. Something deeper... Deeper than my instincts is taunting me. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit. Can't find the exit.

Да вроде уже выяснили все отношения на языке ультра насилия

На некоторых фотографиях похожа на Одри Хорн из Твин Пикса


На вкус и цвет товарищу - нет, но если тебе не нравятся причудливые игры, то на кой хрен ты полез в ту часть, с которой и началось внедрение дичи на первый план? Даже по постеру понятно, что игра не совсем серьёзная будет

К сожалению не Mr. Bungle и даже не Primus


@Трактирщик философский камень мне, пожалуйста