What's the point of learning English?

I know English well (C1), but I don't understand what is the point of learning English in the Russian Federation? I hardly ever use it, except for games and TV series (and it's always a bitch to find content not in Russian, but in English, or to switch the language to English in the content I've found).

Also, since I know English, I realize that Russian is objectively better.Yes, the Brits and Americans who don't know other languages and “promote” this simplistic parasha for export are simply incapable of realizing how much more advanced Russian can be compared to English.I don't blame them in any way, and I even understand why this happens - purely because of the media, like Hollywood movies, and the ease of the language itself to start learning it.But if you think about it, easy doesn't equal “good,” does it? Rather it's more like “limited”?Unfortunately, most Russians don't understand this either and can't realize it and are proud of the fact that they already know a cool language.It's not Unga-bunga of some kind, people speaking this language were the first to fly to explore the stars and gave up God.But now for some reason you have to be part of some trendy trend of switching to English.I believe that this is not worth doing; you should know it as a second language, nothing more, and by no means replace Russian with it.

22 комментария

"Yes, the Brits and Americans who don't know other languages and “promote” this simplistic parasha for export..."


Этот шарит


Симплистик параша это однослойная туалетка шоль?

А вообще давно бунтов не было на дтф, надо бы навернуть англфицированный бунт и устроить месяц постов на английском.


What's the point of learning Russian?
I know Russian well (ТРКИ-4), but I don't understand what is the point of learning Russian? I hardly ever use it, except for reading Х0Л0Д3Ц recipe


Холодец итс пиздец, май френд


Нет вариативности, учи русский, пиндос!
