Сколько вам было лет

Когда вы узнали, что батя Вуди Харрельсона был киллером? И что Харрельсон и Макконахи могут быть сводными братьями?

Woody Harrelson's father, Charles Harrelson, was a hitman. As in a full-on hitman, gun-for-hire who has been accused and tied to several murders, most famously that of a federal judge.

And it gets crazier, too — Charles Harrelson once claimed he was behind the JFK assassination too, only to immediately retract this. According to Woody Harrelson, his father was trained by the CIA and told him about this in some detail.

The actor himself refused to dive deeper into this in public because doing so “might be dangerous for him and his family”.

The crazy story doesn’t end here — Harrelson senior was a bit of a “rolling stone” back in the day, and a womanizer.

Around the time the actor Matthew McConaughey was conceived, his mother had reportedly hooked up with Charles Harrelson, hitman-for-hire. As a result, both Harrelson and McConaughey have publicly stated in a recent interview it’s fairly possible the two men are half-brothers.

Plenty of celebrities have crazy childhoods, no doubt. But I think Woody Harrelson takes the cake. Because I doubt a lot of other Hollywood actors are the sons of philandering assassins who may or may not have offed John F. Kennedy and a federal judge.

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осторожно подводишь к вопросу о том, знали ли пользователи, что макконахи в молодости изнасиловали?


Батя Харрельсона?

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Сколько вам было летКогда вы узнали, что батя Вуди Харрельсона был киллером?

только что




что Харрельсон и Макконахи могут быть сводными братьями? - несколько раз слышал такое. Про киллера первый раз сейчас, 30


