Sezen Aksu - Beyaz Sayfa (Ai Remastered): by "EmirFail"

Another important message, I ask you to show attention and understanding to me and the situation in which I find myself!
I know that I am to blame in many ways, I believe too much in freedom and especially in the “free Internet network”, because of this belief in freedom, I am now being punished! I’m very sorry that this happened, I don’t even know what to do! If I have to deactivate this account of mine, please don't hold it against me! I don’t want to do this myself, but if the administration deletes other releases, I will have to do it against my will...
I know well and am aware of the exact state of my reputation as an author on DeviantArt, and I know that after my “antics” the trust in me as a decent person and author is zero! I admit my guilt!
I don’t want to seem like a complete “stupid rissian separatist”, but all sorts of LGBT authors and the LGBT lobby that are present on this resource infuriate me!
I’m not “for Putin” and not for any “moralists” - it’s just that this fact more than once proves that Europe and the USA as states are really decomposing, if you delve into history in the 17-18-19 centuries in Europe and the USA, then in those days This “lobby” was so active (well, of course there were - but as history has shown, all these “personalities” were members of the “Masonic lodge”).
I don’t want to spoil my reputation once again, but think about why the Vatican of the EU and the USA exist and why do these countries evaluate the freedom of people according to “Christian values” if in fact they do not observe the main value - not to be like Babylon and Sodom!
My dears, this world consists of only “double standards”, eternal “lobbies” of perverts and marginalized people, eternal diktats and dictators, what kind of freedom can we talk about - even if your beloved LGBT people have fallen into the dictatorship of perversions and immorality, you are forced not to notice it, They're scaring you! Even the world's religious denominations and cults, priests and monks have come to terms with the fact that all of them, not of their own free will and on their own, became ministers of the revived cult of Sodom and the builders of a new Babylon! But I know only one thing: those who at one time called Europe and the USA the main swarm of parasites infecting countries and continents with the dictates of madness, Zionism, wild capitalism and the sacralization of perversion and immorality were right!
I’m not a “Kremlinbot”, “Gebni agent” or “sectarian” - I just can’t see other realities of Europe and the USA, I don’t believe what all sorts of TV and online media will show, they all lie and will lie for the sake of profit and their PR owners! But we will no longer be able to escape the cruel reality of the revival of Sodom and Babylon! We were deprived of the true parents of the giant hyperhominids, we were deprived of our true history, which will prove why humanity will forever fight a swarm of creatures and parasites that will forever destroy us and kill our past in us - our true history of origin! For me, the main thing here was to leave my mark, to at least somehow make it clear to others that they are not alone in their despair and madness, I see that all my efforts and labors were in vain, a year has passed since I registered my account on DeviantArt, and I don’t see better results from my activities! Well, of course there are better results! But who, in principle, needs everything that I published if everyone believes imposed opinions and the ideology of eternal laziness and irrationality-illogicality! I'm not to judge! As they say, “God is the judge, the universe is the executioner”!
I will not allow anyone to destroy my friends anymore, no one has the right to bring my friends to an almost “suicidal” state! NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DESTROY AND DRUG THOSE WHO ARE DEAR TO ME!!! NOBODY!!!! You may not agree with my opinion! I don’t insist that I am an authority and that everyone is trash except me! Everyone has their own opinion! If I speak out against homosexuals and lesbians, this does not mean that I automatically become a “homophobic separator who understands Putin”! I somehow don’t care what kind of prostitute tricks and graters are happening in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and in the Kremlin - and I also don’t care about the topic of Ukraine! Politics is a brothel, and politicians are courtesans and whores who only open their mouths and choose more correct sides and “poses”! The whole world is the FSB, and the people in it are agents.
As a person, it really sucks for me! You too - but you don’t feel the grief that I feel - my old friends have either gone abroad a long time ago or gone offline forever, I’m offended that I was left alone - only my old sick mother, only the unhappy eyes of my older brother - but to everyone don't give a shit.
