After getting pumped up for this game for months, I'm sort of confused that my end opinion is "yeah, it was pretty alright". One thing for sure, though, Team Reptile absolutely nailed the aesthetics here. I think a lot of people trying to emulate Jet Set Radio's stylings, musically and artistically, don't realize what made it work for JSR; it's not cohesive, and it's not supposed to be. It's less of a complete look and sound, and more a general-purpose love letter to street culture and its many, many branches. Techno junkies, peace-love-unity ravers, skate sadboys, gangsta wannabes, B-boys, girls and everything in-between, all together despite - or because of - their differences.
From Osaka
Это что-то на эльфийском, тут такое не любят
это же Jet Set Radio с дримки