Концепт-арты футуристических городов
The ceaseless transformation of the city into the post-human. Piles of ruin are continually tunelled and reformed into an equation of billboards... as the body become a some total cosmetic surgery and replacements parts as the outfit to fulfil any desire.
Cyberpunk City
Created by Artur Sadlos (personal site)
Арт вдохновлен поездкой в Токио. Этот город великолепен, огромен и поражает своим интенсивным движением, а также своей красотой. Я чувствовал себя так, как будто попал в киберпанк фильм. Акира, Бегущий по лезвию, Призрак в доспехах - все это было там. Реальным и живым.
The Swallowed World
Created by Stéphane Wootha Richard (personal site)
The Median
Created by Hunt Dougherty
Blade runner 2049
Created by emmanuel shiu (personal site)
Blok 23
Created by Miroslav Misic
created by Wojtek Fus
Sci-fi Eggs
created by Ayan Nag
It's hard to believe,
That there's nobody out there.
It's hard to believe
That I'm all alone
At least I have her love.
The city she loves me
Lonely as I am
Together we cry.
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