"The Boy Word" is an exploration of the cruel world of the streets, when the country has one foot hanging over the abyss.
"The Boy Word" is an exploration of the cruel world of the streets, when the country has one foot hanging over the abyss.

Late 1980s. While parents fight for survival, children abandoned by everyone flock into street flocks and “fight for the asphalt.” They literally fight to control everything that stands on their land or moves on it. In the midst of general poverty, there are clear rules of life, support and a boy word, which is stronger than an oath.

14-year-old Andrew is from an intelligent family, he studies at a music school and lives with his mother and five-year-old sister. He regularly faces pressure from street teenagers. To protect himself, he makes friends with Hooligans. One of them, 14-year-old Matthew, becomes Andrew guide into the complex world of the streets.

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