Oxygen not included: качество сканирования 0%

Поставил сканер на расстоянии 16 блоков от всего во все стороны, но он все равно выдает качество сканирования 0%

Что ещё нужно сделать для качества сканирования?

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Может быть, вначале стоит попробовать загуглить?
Scan Quality is affected by its view of the sky as well as nearby machines. For maximum quality, the scanner must:
Have the center tile exposed to the sky (above the bottom left corner of the scanner). [+6.7%]
Have 13 to 15 tiles exposed to the sky on both sides in a V shape centered on the center tile, for a total of 28 tiles. This does not include tiles above the build limit. [+3.3% Collectively for each successive tile, calculated from center and not passing any blocked tile]
If building on the side of the map, there is a strange behavior due to the fact that the asteroid is round - a scanner built on the very left side of the map will have its quality reduced if there is a high pile of Regolith on the very right side of the map. This is however inconsistent with heavy machinery detection - you can build two scanners on both sides of the map (at the same height) and they will both have 100% scan quality.
Fit under the upper limit of the map (could fit 9 tiles between the scanner and no-build zone).
NOT have its view of the sky obstructed by tiles that do not allow airflow (this includes Window Tiles).
NOT have its view of the sky obstructed by certain amount of liquid or gas (mass limit varies depending on the elements; e.g. 31372 g of water or 1568 g of crude oil).
NOT have the center of any "heavy" machinery within 14 tiles of the scanner's center. (see list below)
The center of a building is usually the power socket, though it may vary for some buildings such as Conveyor Loaders.
For example, if a scanner is built above a solar panel, there must be a 14 tile gap between the scanner and the solar panel's base.
If the center tile is blocked, Scan Quality will always result in 0%.
Scan Quality is NOT affected by:
Tiles that allow airflow (Airflow Tiles, Mesh Tiles, closed Pneumatic Doors & opened Airlocks).
Any tiles under the V shape view of the scanner.
Whether the scanner has the Space Exposure status or not.
Scan Quality cannot increase above 100%, but Scan Network Quality can.
At 0% Scan Network Quality, scanners will detect incoming objects 1s to 200s before they occur.
At 100% Scan Network Quality or above, scanners will always detect incoming objects 200s ahead of time.
Each scanner gives 17% Scan Network Quality at most, giving exactly 100% with 6 scanners.
Each percent of Network Quality adds 2 second to the floor of detection time.
Different scanners can detect the meteor shower at different times, e.g. one could send a green signal 150 s before and the other 90 s before.


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