Reaction, immediate reaction to anything will only make things worse. You don't need a computer you could do it yourself by jiggling some apparatus and reset it, fine tune it, at every jolt to bring it back to the nominal value say 3.6 whatever that might be, anything that happens, we adjust something went wrong no matter what if it isn't right on the target something went wrong or if it goes down and you'd like it to go up something happened that over action and you can show it for yourself you don't need mathematical theory though mathematical theory will give you the same answer you only elevate you expand the variability and you make things worse unbelievable you but you can show it so easy that could be taught. That could be taught in the 8th grade and the students would be fast fated with it would teach them something about this world just as chemistry teaches about teaches us about this world or physics, or paleontology, or history, or languages that would teach them something vital and unfortunately they learn nothing about it. They don't learn it in school, they don't learn it in engineering courses they learn it in statistical courses but without application not enough application they don't get it in School of Business and they somehow go into Management on the supposition that they can manage when they have not requirements have not the rudiments of knowledge that is required for management. Most unfortunate, and the result is as we see it results are are obvious. They're in the papers, they're in the books. The decline of American industry. Very interesting that Japan had nothing and still has nothing: no natural resources, no oil, no coal, no wood, no iron ore, nothing of that, a little bit of water, power, no oil. But they have people and they have good management. We have some natural resources we have people and we're on the decline. There are problems in Japan I know very well there are. But they've created this world's greatest display of Industry out of nothing but people and good management; starting with negative net worth from reputation for sort equality, cheap consumer goods, cheap but worth the price. In spite of that handicap, look at what they've done. Think of the storehouse of skills that we have in our 8 million unemployed. A lot of them are willing to work, some not only willing to work but have skills that are vital to American industry. Think of that loss. Think of the far greater loss of the millions of people in management that cannot work, dare not deliver to American industry what they're capable of delivering, dare not put that all together this may be the world's most underdeveloped Nation. We're number one. We did it again.
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