Pavel Djundik @thexpaw07.03.2022Microsoft games on Steam got purchase restricted in Russia (and sometimes in Belarus), but people are reporting they can't even install or launch them. In app history, they added PurchaseRestrictedCountries, so it smells like a bug. List:Pavel Djundik @thexpaw07.03.2022Don't take my word on it whether it is a bug, I don't know how it is supposed to work, I am just pointing out that it is a "purchase restriction" (Steam has separate keys for allowing run in countries).
Да скорее всего. Одно дело не продавать игры новым игрокам и совсем другое изымать у их владельцев. Это довольно неприятный прецедент.
А прикинь остальные по бырому на хайпе захотят тоже самое сделать.