Рад что помогло)
Короче, если до сих пор не решил, есть 2 варианта.
Okay, I have managed to discover a workaround this issue. Unfortunately it requires another windows 10/11 device (I've used very low-speced laptop).
Turn off your main computer and turn on your second pc
Download xbox app on your second computer and log into your Microsoft account
Download and open the game you are stuck on "signing in" screen
Allow game to access your Microsoft account data
Wait until it gets to main menu screen
Close the game with in game "exit" button
Wait a few minutes so that the save is synchronized with the cloud (there is no indication that it is finished, shouldn't take more than 1 minute I think)
Turn off your second computer
Turn on your main computer
Sign out of your xbox app then sign back in
Open the game you had problem with
These were the steps I have done and they "solved" the issue. You have to do this for every game you are stuck with. Very annoying and inconvenient, still waiting for a proper fix.
Я снёс 11ую винду обратно на 10ку и всё стало нормально =)
Короче, если до сих пор не решил, есть 2 варианта.
Okay, I have managed to discover a workaround this issue. Unfortunately it requires another windows 10/11 device (I've used very low-speced laptop).
Turn off your main computer and turn on your second pc
Download xbox app on your second computer and log into your Microsoft account
Download and open the game you are stuck on "signing in" screen
Allow game to access your Microsoft account data
Wait until it gets to main menu screen
Close the game with in game "exit" button
Wait a few minutes so that the save is synchronized with the cloud (there is no indication that it is finished, shouldn't take more than 1 minute I think)
Turn off your second computer
Turn on your main computer
Sign out of your xbox app then sign back in
Open the game you had problem with
These were the steps I have done and they "solved" the issue. You have to do this for every game you are stuck with. Very annoying and inconvenient, still waiting for a proper fix.
Я снёс 11ую винду обратно на 10ку и всё стало нормально =)
Существует ли что-то сейчас похожее? Посоветуйте пожалуйста
Возможно найдешь здесь для себя решение, но мне ничего не помогло (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/i-used-pc-game-pass-to-download-yakuza-0-but-it-is/92601168-d1ce-4bf0-8ec9-d6bcd2d88b09?page=1) (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/some-pc-game-pass-games-stuck-on-signing-in-screen/453515e8-5cdf-4099-b449-f8ae92d52f36?page=2)
Возможно найдешь здесь для себя решение, но мне ничего не помогло (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/i-used-pc-game-pass-to-download-yakuza-0-but-it-is/92601168-d1ce-4bf0-8ec9-d6bcd2d88b09?page=1) (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/some-pc-game-pass-games-stuck-on-signing-in-screen/453515e8-5cdf-4099-b449-f8ae92d52f36?page=2)
шизо кринж сатира