Эх, если бы да Богу в уши

Продюсер Final Fantasy XVI хочет увидеть ремастеры Final Fantasy Tactics и Vagrant Story

Эх, если бы да Богу в уши

Про возрождение паразитки в том или ином виде тоже спрашивали — говорят, что пока нет человека, способного возглавить проект, но с другой стороны есть много фанатов, которые хотели бы увидеть PE:

4gamer: "Parasite Eve" is a pretty old title, but it still has fans. Is there no talk of continuing the series within the company?

Yoshi P: To make a game, you need someone at the center to wave the flag and say, "Let's aim for this". If that person leaves, even if the talk comes up, it's difficult to make it happen. Also, Square Enix today is a company where fans of the games that Mr Sakaguchi and his team have gathered. Especially for most developers, they probably think, "Is this really something we should do?" and I think it's hard to prepare ourselves to do it. But there are lots of voices from fans, and I think it's a title we can do a lot more if we make it with current technology.


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