Камрады, ищутся субтитры на тайтлы...английские или рус.Mahou no Yousei Persiaanidb.netMahou no Yousei Persia - Anime - AniDBPelsia, a cute ten-year-old girl who grew up among the animals in Africa, is taken back to Japan. She is transported to a magic world where she is giv...Nanako SOSanidb.netNanako SOS - Anime - AniDBNanako, is a young girl who unexpectedly acquires superpowers and at the same time loses her past memory as the unintended result of a scientific expe...anidb.netMahou no Star Magical Emi - Anime - AniDBKatsuki Mai is the young daughter of a couple who run a small snack shop, while her grandparents lead a troupe of stage magicians called the "Magicale...Mahou no Star Magical EmiБыло бы неплохо их посмотреть ^_^