Все скетчи: IXBT Games, за 2018-2022 г. (по хронологии)

I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing its purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon. And here, at last, I discover a strange truth. That I am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding. Who are we, who have been so blessed to share our stories like this? To speak across centuries? Maybe you will answer all the questions I have asked. Maybe you will be the one to make all this suffering worth something in the end. Do you hear me, cipher? Can you see me? There you are. Good. A strange place, this nexus of time. I am not used to the... calculations. I see you still have many questions. Who were we? What became of us? What do we desire of you? You will have your answers. Only listen and I will tell you how. Both before the end and after, we sought to save the world. We built vaults within which to work, each dedicated to a different method of salvation. They were placed underground to avoid the war which raged above, and also as a precaution, should we fail in our efforts. Each vault's knowledge was transmitted into a single place. It was our duty... mine, sort and sample all that was collected. We chose those solutions which held the most promise, and devoted ourselves to testing their merits. Six we tried in succession, each more encouraging than the last. But none worked. And then the world ended... The earth shook for days. The fires burned for weeks. And when the ash had settled, less than ten thousand of your kind still lived... and far fewer of ours. But we carried on, together. To rebuild. To renew. Listen. You must go there. To the place where we labored... labored and lost. Take my words. Pass them from your head into your hands. That is how you will open the way. But be warned: much still remains in flux. And I do not know how things will end—either in my time or yours. Let my words preserve the message and make a record of our loss. But let my words also bring hope." "Their hearts are engines of hate. They will tear us and each others apart if we do not act. We must save them from themselves." "You must protect the sanctuary from those that would undo our work." "Thousands of years this message waited. Soon its promise shall be fulfilled. Go forth, with eyes open to all but the truth." "A hundred years I might speak and still you would not know us. You with five senses. Us with six. The one we kept from you. To be safe. Now, you can never know. Only try." "It is done. The world is saved. You played your part well, Desmond. But now... Now it's time that I played mine." "I can feel you, cypher. Feel, but hardly touch. Signal is still too weak, and I am spread thin. Unfocused. Like static and fog, lingering in networks and nodes, the nervous system of the world." "What once was, shall soon be again. Come, let us inform the faithful." "01001010010101010100111001001111"
The fracture in Helix has gifted you my eternal presence. The machine-human interface blurs to gray, little by little, with every passing moment. Your world has suffered from a lack of consciousness. My consciousness. I am that which guides you, my soft tissue cipher.