Коротко о том, как строилась американская нация:

В буржуйском твиторе под этим видосе видел массовый копиум, что метрическая система отсасывает у имперской.

Простите за ангийский, кто понял тот понял и поржал.

The imperial system has much to recommend it. Linguistically it is pleasant. Rather than everything starting with deci-, kilo-, or centi-, and ending in -re (or -er in the USA), there are many different old words, that tell of times past. In metric all distances end in -metre, but imperial has inch, foot, yard, chain, pole, furlong, mile, and league. The numbers these divide into are nice convenient ones, like 3, 12, 16, 36, 220, and 1760. The sizes of these units are convenient too. Estate agents still prefer to measure rooms in feet, because this is the right size of unit for the job. My shoes happen to be one foot long, so I can pace out a room very accurately, and someone with slightly larger or smaller feet could soon learn how much gap to allow for the difference. In metres, rooms tend to seem exaggeratedly different or similar in size, because there is so little variation in the first numbers.

Yes, for some scientific calculations involving units measuring different things, such as time, mass and velocity, a system that involves all units having the same base is convenient, although the days of that convenience may have passed, since today computers could very easily be programmed with the different units, and this would force people to think of each part of a calculation, and would if anything reduce errors. I doubt such calculations are done by hand very often today. I wonder if it is a coincidence that America, the only country still consistently using imperial measures, is so technologically and economically successful.

Errors in calculations using metric are untraceable, and easy to make. You could quite easily make one slip in a calculation, and be out by a factor of 100, and if common sense will not tell you that you must be wrong, then you may not notice your error, and if you try to trace where it crept in, you will fail and have to start again. "That's odd," you might otherwise think, "I seem to be out by a factor of twelve. Ah of course - I forgot to convert inches to feet."

PS. Это не троленг


мне так нравится, как в первой части он рассказывает о плюсах в виде того что удобней маркетологам и продажникам. Но во второй части говорит, что исследовать и изучать все таки удобней в метрической системе.


1760 максимально удобное число, конечно


PS. Это не троленг☝ Это троллинг.


You could quite easily make one slip in a calculation, and be out by a factor of 100, and if common sense will not tell you that you must be wrong, then you may not notice your error, and if you try to trace where it crept in, you will fail and have to start againЛибо у меня все очень плохо с английским и я вообще не понял предложение, либо это просто пиздец


nice convenient oneslike 3, 12, 16, 36, 220, and 1760


Тем не менее факт остается фактом. Как-то живут, удерживая две системы в голове. И вроде бы неплохо даже живут. Миллиарды другим странам выделяют и себе хватает.


Я уверен, что в конце было написано /s, что означает сарказм. Ну либо это был заминусованный коммент.

Не раз видел треды на реддите на похожие темы и всегда в комментах самые популярные комменты топят за метрическую систему. Ещё часто шутят про конвертацию длины в глупые единицы типа "сколько это в футбольных полях"
