На фоне этих новостей, опять про монополию затирает.Tim Sweeney @TimSweeneyEpic29.07.2020Ответ на публикацию @VentureBeatThere is a grave risk of these “partnerships“ being, in practice, collusive deals to consolidate monopoly control of the mobile market - Google offering to “share” some of the 30% they confiscate from mobile users through far above-market payment processing fees on Google Play. https://twitter.com/venturebeat/status/1288403001133105152
Чем же ему так Apple то насолил? Почему он на MS так не агрится? )Tim Sweeney @TimSweeneyEpic28.07.2020Apple has gone crazy. If colleges hold virtual classes through an iPhone app, Apple could demand 30% of the tuition. Truly, Apple has no right to take any percent of any company’s revenue just because they made the phone people use to access the stuff. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/technology/apple-app-store-airbnb-classpass.html