Учим английский по Genshin Impact. Baizhu - Lagenaria Chapter: Act I

В статье собраны самые интересные слова, идиомы и устойчивые выражения из английского языка, с которыми можно встретиться во время прохождения задания легенд Байчжу (Lagenaria Chapter: Act 1). Проверь свои знания или подготовься к прохождению заранее.
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Идеальный вариант — ознакомиться с материалом заранее, а затем пройди квест, так новая информация будет повторяться в интересном контексте и лучше запоминаться. Если ты уже прошел квест, все фразы можешь переслушать в архиве заданий.

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Учим английский по Genshin Impact. Baizhu - Lagenaria Chapter: Act I

Дисклеймер: Эта статья подразумевается как конспект, но я буду рада, если она поможет и другим путешественникам сделать эту игру частью процесса изучения. Если вы видите ошибку, не стесняйтесь меня поправить. Please, be patient, I play Genshin Impact.


  • ancestors — a person related to you who lived a long time ago
  • predecessor — someone who had a job or a position before someone else
  • disciple — one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines or practices of another
  • acquaintance — a person that you have met but do not know well
  • patronage - support organisation/the power to give someone an important job or advantages in exchange for help or support
  • verge - the edge or border of something
  • outburst - a sudden, violent expression of emotion, esp. anger
  • vex — to cause someone to feel annoyance or trouble
  • lucid - clearly expressed and easy to understand
  • misgiving - to worry about a future event
  • ominous - suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen
  • wary - not completely trusting or certain about something or someone
  • dubious - thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted:
  • bedeck - to decorate or cover
  • avenge - to take vengeance
  • wrath - extreme anger
  • infiltrate - to move slowly into a substance, place, system, or organization/to secretly become part of a group in order to get information or to influence the way that group thinks or behaves
  • reimburse - to give back the amount of money that someone has spent because of you
  • subdue - to reduce the force of something, or to prevent something from existing or developing
  • concoct - to prepare by combining raw materials(food, medicine ect.) /to invent a story or excuse
  • wobble - a movement from side to side that shows poor balance/a feeling of not being certain about something
  • offshoot - something that has developed from something larger that already existed
  • sorcery - a type of magic in which evil spirits are used to make things happen
  • havoc - chaos, especially causing damage or trouble
  • depleted - smaller or less than before/reduced
  • pertinent — relevant/relating directly to the subject being considered:
  • agitate - to make someone feel worried or angry
  • cauldron - a large pot for cooking on fire
  • entice - to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
  • encroach - to take control or possession of something in a gradual way and often without being noticed
  • cling - to stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding it, him, or her/to stay close to someone who is taking care of you, because you need their support(в квесте скорее второе значение)
  • snatch - to take hold of something suddenly and roughly
  • seal - to close an entrance or container so that nothing can enter or leave it


  • keep someone/something at bay — to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming you
  • jog someone’s memory — to make someone remember something
  • time is of the essence — said to encourage someone to hurry
  • rings a bell — something, is familiar to you(recall)
  • in advance — before something happens

Устойчивые выражения

  • manage to … — to succeed in doing or dealing with something («I only just managed to finish on time.»)
  • be of service — to help someone («I'm glad to have been of service.»)
  • by any chance — used to ask a question or request in a polite way ("Could you help me, by any chance?")
  • hasten the inevitable — to make something inevitable happen sooner
  • gotta dash — need to go somewhere quickly
  • persona non grata — a person who is unacceptable or unwelcome
  • nor = neither
  • sorry state — a bad condition or situation

Well, there is quite a bit. По ссылке расположен лист почти всей лексики выше на Cambridge Dictionary, оттуда его можно портировать в Anki или Quizlet.


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