Gökhan Tepe - Beyaz: "Minik Serce" (Ai notmy cover)

We are strong, our ancestors conquered this land and it is one of the oldest and greatest lands in the world, it belongs to us! Let our family be glorified! May the king-hierarch be glorified!
The Anglo-Saxons and their pawns, the “colonists” (USA), are told:
We force, our ancestors subdued this earth and it one of the most ancient and great lands in the world, it belongs belongs to us! Yes our sort is famous! Yes the king-hierarch is famous!
Still don't understand? If each side thinks about “nationalism” and the “iron hand” system, then our world in a year (or even earlier) will turn into a pitiful semblance of the Middle Ages, in which every king-authority and hierarch fights for a piece of land in order to saturate his own and promote himself in front of his people, hungry from wars and crises! Sorry, but in this case the Aliens and other octopus-gnus will have the argument that people have degenerated and they came with “good will” to save people from obscurantism and teach “knowledge” - this has already happened! Or do you want to experience this “high” again?
Why do we exist? Why are we always looking for excuses? Why do we consider ourselves truly the only intelligent creatures created by some mythical creatures? Why do we always strive to live and reproduce? Why do we consider ourselves intelligent - if we are ordinary simple organic idiots who imagine themselves to be the crown of creation?
Now many will mince words, saying that I offended the feelings of believers.
What's the insult? Is it that I understood the true essence of all humanity?
Nobody needs us - we are bio-garbage! Only the spirit has form and power, but not the organic body! I myself regret that I am an organism, but what gives me hope is that my spirit does not sleep and it breaks through the low, insignificant organic body!
My thought form says a strict NO to the organic body! I am not a suicidal person, I do not urge you to commit an act of suicide (there is no birth and no life, no death - this is an illusion of our brain, which in every possible way suppresses the strength and power of our spirit and thought form)!
I’m amazed that such stupidity called “religion” still exists in this world.
It's like everyone has been massively brainwashed with a hose!
And everyone forgot - that all the world religions of the world take their example from the past, backward and human-slave pagan cults!
Rodnovers and KOB-sheep are generally a separate issue, they are all golems who are glad that they and their thoughts are controlled by someone wiser and greater! Well, isn't this slavery? Don’t have your own opinion and put all your burdens and reason on the shoulders of the next “guru” - who will take away not only your precious time but also your life (well, yes, many of the new gurus advise people to abandon civilization and, like Adam and Eve, live in green gardens full of fruits and game and drinking milk from milk rivers - how convenient, but this is nothing more than imagination and irrational non-logical thinking)!
To me, they are all the same type of empty organic shells! They all have the same needs - they are all like robots, with a certain psycho-development they turn into certain individuals!
Some people leave the benefits of civilization and stop practicing hygiene, calling it “the path of enlightenment” - this happens to most people who have become acquainted with or have begun to actively study “Hinduism” and the “Vedas”.
The same garbage happens to people who are ardently fixated on Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam!
Why does humanity need religions and cults - if they are all aimed at the degradation and self-utilization of all humanity? Who wrote the texts of these “teachings” - well, certainly not people! People are not so intelligent as to destroy themselves - there are simply creatures in other worlds and dimensions (forms) who want to slowly destroy people - and why slowly? If you are so evil, then why not just destroy us all? What and who is stopping them? And why?
Why do all our politicians and tyrannical authorities always tell us that in this world it is necessary to choose sides and advantageous “political poses”!
And people are silent! But because they are afraid - they are afraid of losing their job, comfort, fresh food and loved ones!
Nothing changes - what then, what now! They do not change, they only submit to the same people as themselves - an eternal cycle of slavery and complete social and political impotence and dependence! They are subordinate to their own weakness - weakness and fear!
There is a way out of all this - but it calls into question the entire theory of the universal universe and eternity - many will not be comfortable with this truth - many will tear and throw everything in a circle, proving that they are right!
