Стим заблочил возможность дарить подарки с его кошелька

У меня всего 3 друга, и дарю только им всю жизнь, что за клоунада?

Thanks for getting in touch. I looked at your account, and I do see that you have a general gift purchasing restriction.
You can still purchase gifts and send them to any of your friends if you use a payment method directly to purchase the gift, instead of your Wallet funds. You are free to use your Wallet funds toward making purchases for your own account.
Steam Support is unable to remove or make any further adjustments to your account.
As this is all the information we can provide about this gift purchase restriction, I will be closing this ticket and please be advised that any future tickets with the same issue will be closed without response.
But if you have any other issues with Steam, you are welcome to open a new ticket.
Steam Support

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