The series is based on Richard Russo’s novel Straight Man. Aaron Zelman (Damages, Silicon Valley) and Paul Lieberstein (The Office) adapted the book and serve as co-showrunners. They executive produce with Odenkirk, director Peter Farrelly, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul’s Mark Johnson, Russo, Naomi Odenkirk and Marc Provissiero.
а кто режик
The series is based on Richard Russo’s novel Straight Man. Aaron Zelman (Damages, Silicon Valley) and Paul Lieberstein (The Office) adapted the book and serve as co-showrunners. They executive produce with Odenkirk, director Peter Farrelly, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul’s Mark Johnson, Russo, Naomi Odenkirk and Marc Provissiero.
как правило у них шоураннер ответственный за действия по сценарию, его ставят в первую строчку, а так разные серии ставят разные люди