Достаточно было, например, сделать парня полуэльфом
Нет, недостаточно. Потому что «any element of an Elvish strain in human ancestry was very dominant and lasting»🧐
«I myself imagined Aragorn, Denethor, Imrahil, Boromir, Faramir as beardless. This, I said, I supposed not to be due to any custom of shaving, but a racial characteristic. None of the Eldar had any beards, and this was a general racial characteristic of all Elves in my "world". Any element of an Elvish strain in human ancestry was very dominant and lasting (receding only slowly — as might be seen in Númenóreans of royal descent, in the matter of longevity also)» Nature of Middle Earth - Beards
Достаточно было, например, сделать парня полуэльфом
Нет, недостаточно. Потому что «any element of an Elvish strain in human ancestry was very dominant and lasting»🧐
«I myself imagined Aragorn, Denethor, Imrahil, Boromir, Faramir as beardless. This, I said, I supposed not to be due to any custom of shaving, but a racial characteristic. None of the Eldar had any beards, and this was a general racial characteristic of all Elves in my "world". Any element of an Elvish strain in human ancestry was very dominant and lasting (receding only slowly — as might be seen in Númenóreans of royal descent, in the matter of longevity also)» Nature of Middle Earth - Beards
Да, про это горели люди, когда LoTR выходил, кстати. Так же писали, что Джексон не знает лора.
Тем не менее, у Кирдана Корабела была борода. Видимо, Профессор не успел решить, когда и в каких обстоятельствах она у эльфов таки есть.
"У тебя есть борода - я скажу тебе "да""