«Это финал истории, которая началась в 2016 году»: подробности о втором сюжетном дополнении для DOOM Eternal

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«Это финал истории, которая началась в 2016 году»: подробности о втором сюжетном дополнении для DOOM Eternal

Насколько я понимаю, у них похерена где то та часть истории, где Думгай после событий на Марсе находит себе космический корабль, будучи в стазисе. Вот про это лучше бы пилили дополнения.


Это корабли стражей, не?

The Fortress of Doom is the Doom Slayer's combined spaceship and base of operations. It was originally a Night Sentinel command station, built during the reign of King Danak. Despite the close involvement of the Maykrs in its construction, its primary systems appear to have been specifically intended for Argenta use. Regardless, the Khan Maykr still has influence over some of its subsystems, as can be seen when she remotely deactivates its power supply (which is replaced with the demonic Crucible by the Doom Slayer, to the bemusement of Samuel Hayden). The fortress has no propulsion systems, and instead uses an unknown process utilizing Sentinel energy to manipulate space around itself in order to move.

According to VEGA, the fortress is likely to be the last trace of what was once a much larger fleet.