Данная подборка посвящена Pylot'у невероятно талантливому анонимному продюсеру, который делает треки в жанре Outrun и Synthwave.В эту подборку вошли не все его работы, с остальными вы можете ознакомиться по этим ссылкам: soundcloud.comPYLOTCreated in 2015, PYLOT (https://iampylot.com) is a project inspired by music, film and various art styles from the 80's. It's focus is to provide original music whilst engaging listeners in a compelling story where the music serves as the soundtrack.open.spotify.comPYLOTPYLOT, Category: Artist, Singles: Fearless, Solai, Lost, Alice, Cruising, Biography: Since founding the project in 2015, PYLOT has established himself as one of the most innovative and recognizable creators in and around the world of Synthwave., Monthly Listeners: 226270, Where People Listen: Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Dallas, Parisiampylot.bandcamp.comPYLOTCreated in 2015, PYLOT is a project inspired by music, film and various art styles from the 80's. It's focus is to provide original music whilst engaging listeners in a compelling story where the music serves as the soundtrack.Официальный сайт и соц-сети:iampylot.comPYLOTListen to PYLOT's music and uncover his story.twitter.com𝙋𝙔𝙇𝙊𝙏 (@iamPYLOT) | ТвиттерПоследние твиты от 𝙋𝙔𝙇𝙊𝙏 (@iamPYLOT). A musical journey driven by narrative. The Solai EP is Out now. STREAM / DOWNLOAD👇🏼. Unknownwww.facebook.comPYLOTPYLOT. Отметки "Нравится": 6,9 тыс. With nothing but a motorcycle, a notepad and a pen, PYLOT is on a mission to discover his past. A musical journey driven by narrative.#подборка_музыки #подборка_электронная #retrowave #cyberpunk #outrun #synthwave
https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ZLe7OttXFn3JOPVZ9Vrr0?si=W68E2jnBR9OGubkgWMcuYA хде спотифай.
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