Instead of a foreword

Over the past 10 years, the game industry has increasingly embraced the idea of earning opportunities. Whether enjoying a session in CS:GO or hunting rare items in Path of Exile or Elden Ring, players have begun to see games as more than just entertainment.

However, not every Web2 game offers direct earning opportunities. Many players turn to "workaround" solutions like P2P platforms such as Funpay, Plati-market, and others.

But technological progress marches on, and the Web3 gaming market is opening new doors.

Problem - Solution

MetaMiners is an innovative Tycoon game at the intersection of Web2 and Web3 markets. Our main values are in our gamers and Player-Driven approach.

But MetaMiners is more than just a game. With us, you can enjoy your time while also becoming a co-owner of our assets and directly influencing the game business we’re building for you.

In Web3, this is called a DAO. As a player, you can join a large community (let’s call it a faction) and vote on the development directions of the game, marketplace, and other elements. The more active you and your DAO members are, the stronger your faction and the stronger your voice in voting.

And the cherry on top is passive income. We’re solving a real market problem here, aren’t we?

Trade slots for your planet, game items, NFT passes, resources, and more. Upgrade your structures to sell them at higher prices. Strengthen your account, and as it grows, so will your earnings in real USD every three days.

So at its core, our gameplay entertains and engages, while the earning opportunities and DAO participation add further value and deeper impact.

Join the game now!


If the introduction wasn’t enough, let’s dive into gameplay.

As mentioned, MetaMiners is a Tycoon game with Tap2Earn elements.

At the heart of the gameplay is city-building mechanics. You decide which structure or item to place in each slot on your map and for what purpose.

Your map is your build. Choose strategies from top players or develop your own by combining items and structures to maximize resource impact. The more resources you generate, the wealthier your account becomes, and the greater your USD earnings.

Structures and Items?

Yes, structures and items are core components of MetaMiners.

Structures primarily serve as factory stations: crypto farms, data centers, drilling rigs - visualized to suit all tastes.


Items and structures can be upgraded in terms of level and rarity:

Rarity increases when you merge five items of the same rarity.

Level upgrades use resources and timers, similar to city-building games like Clash of Clans.

The better the entity, the more resources it produces, the more effective your build becomes, and the higher its resale value on our In-Game Market.

What’s the Market?

To simplify trading for players, our next update will introduce an In-Game Market accessible directly from MetaMiners. No need for third-party platforms or separate apps.

Here, you’ll be able to auction, sell, and buy various assets, from skins and Premium Passes to items and structures - even exclusive ones!

How Do I Earn?

Our economic model ensures that every player can earn, even without a Premium Pass or other "passes".

The key question is the scale of your earnings. If you’re playing just for fun, no problem - you’ll always earn enough for a cup of coffee! If you’re here to play and profit, your account’s power, DAO participation, quests, achievements, loot boxes, and, of course, Premium Pass will enhance your income.

More about the Economics

Here’s the breakdown:

- The game’s main resource is MMC, determining account wealth.

- Skins, planets, items, and structures add even more wealth.

- Wealth converts into DarkMatter (kind of Hash-rate), which defines your USD earnings.

Boost your wealth and DarkMatter through:

- Premium Pass. Think of it as a guarantee. Even if you’re not actively playing - completing daily quests with a Premium Pass ensures minimum earnings, even with zero DarkMatter.

- Social activities and DAO. Participating in voting for the vector of game improvements, events, AMA sessions, and community contests offers USD prizes and boosts to DarkMatter.

- Test2Earn. Occasionally, we launch opportunities for players to test major game updates. For your valuable feedback and bug reports we assure a significant boosts to your income.

- In-game activity. From quests and achievements to creating efficient builds and engaging in the In-Game Market - everything contributes to your profitability just by playing.

What’s Next?

More to come! We’re closely monitoring user engagement and are already developing a DEX marketplace that will belong to you as part of the community.

Yes, you can influence the game and its features now. But an external marketplace (DEX) will mark the next phase of our growth, and we’re preparing it for you right now!

Daniel Gudkinas, Co-Founder of MetaMiners:

“MetaMiners plans to launch its own decentralized exchange, where all players will become co-owners. Participants will not only own a share of the exchange but actively manage its development, making joint decisions about its future. Additionally, all DAO participants will receive a percentage of the exchange’s revenue.”

So by joining the game, you help us take this crucial step and make us find the best solutions for you.

Join the game now, and let’s build the future of gaming together!